Photo shoot with SERPENT OBSCENE ( 1997 – 2006) in April 2005. Shot the outdoor pics at an old (abandoned) tuberculosis hospital and at some sandpits. We also climbed up in a water towerFor the indoor shots we occupied the local youth centre and used their smoke machine.
Additional note: The pizzaplace where we went for lunch made pentagrams in bearnaise on the pizzas m/.
One of the smoky pics ended up on the album “Chaos Reign Supreme” (cover art made by the great Joe Petagno) and the whatever pics on the album are also by me.
Trivia: The winged Serpent Obscene skull was made by Erik Tormentor and it´s also used here and there in “Swedish Death Metal”, the book by Daniel Ekeroth (the spikes removed, tho).
The band split up after releasing the album and I´m still not over it! No release gigs, no nothing.
Erik “Tormentor” Sahlström – V / Johan Thörngren – G Nicklas Eriksson – G / Jonny Putrid – B / Jonas Eriksson – D
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