Definitely NOT extremmetal, but I checked out Damón Zurawski & The Other Flesh with their “Rock-Ompa-Vaudeville-Sideshow”, as they call it, supporting Deathstars at Klubben. I´ve seen them once before and wondered a bit how it would work with the clash of genres and the (mostly) deathglam audience. And it worked brilliantly! Cool gig and everybody seemed to enjoy themselves, both the band and the audience.
TOF got some really cool songs…and Damon got this really cool hat;) Tintin told me that the lights will be difficult and lots of red, but I think they were quite nice. Well…I did shoot at Kafé 44 for a week ago, so in my world every little lamp is a gift.


All photos by me…(except the cover)


Scourge was a totally new band for me…mostly I noticed the drummer, one mean mf…Have to give them another chance someday.
Angrepp totally ruled!!! Now they really got it! Congrats, guys!!:)
Vörgus NOT in green for the first time in history!!! What´s going on???
They´ve signed on a french label and some hotshot from their recordcompany was even present at the gig. Hope he liked what he saw/heard;) The new material sounds great!





First gig since mid-december…I was invited to Kafé 44 by my friend Adrian who was in charge of the evening (he´s also the vocalist in Angrepp). Live on stage: Die Hard, Vörgus, Angrepp & Scourge.
Packed with people, Mia HellBe as DJ, cheap beer…and surprise: bad bad lights. The mainband Die Hard got ALMOST some frontlights, dim, but still. They got something else, too. A stripshow during the concert! Enjoyed the  gig with or without the extravaganza .


terroramaGot a CD from  Terrorama the other day. They used some of my livephotos I shot for about a year ago at Tantogården on the backcover.
I like their fast black/thrash kind of metal. A bit of a Nifelheimish sound I think.
So…thanks a lot, guys;)

Another thing: one of my favourite bands, Mr Death, got themselves a new website. Sorry to say, It wasn´t me who took the bandphoto but I have my own little corner on their site;) One of the bands you simply have to go & see live a.s.a.p!