And now to something totally different….
My friend Alexi (Pivotal Management) from Chicago asked me for awhile ago and if I could go and take some pics on the Marionette gig. He always ask me and I´m very glad he does:) Ever since I saw the band for the first time, I´ve loved them! Marionette is a GREAT liveband and I love the two albums they´ve made.
So if you are in to brutal, beautiful music with some good speed and  brilliant melodies check them out!! This time they got only about 20-25 minutes on the stage and as the first band out,  there were not so many people yet. Unfair, I think. The lights were a struggle as usual but with some help from Tintin, I could get some ok pics. And some….not so ok. But get to see all kinds as usual;))


darkcreed7The last band at RIFS was Bombs of Hades (love the name. So cool!!:) from Västerås. Didn´t do my homework, so many of the bands playing this weekend, were bands I didn´t know so much about so I thought it could be  quite exciting. And it turned out to be  better I ever imagined.  The whole idea having this festival was based on the release of a (limited) compilation vinyl called Resurrected In Festering Slime.  Most of the bands on the compilation also played on this festival. BIG thanks to  Andrés (Darkcreed), Sophie and Peter who made this great event happen!!  Andrés also jumped in for one song with Bombs of Hades (Jaws of Satan) I had a great time and I do hope this wasn´t the last time I saw these great bands. And I sure hope I get the chance to see those two bands I missed…Feral and Morbus Chron….someday soon!!!


My good, and most respected,  friend Erik Tormentor has been rehearsing with this band Crucifyre for awhile, but I never heard one track and I don´t think they´ve ever played live before (correct?). I really didn´t know what to expect, but I really enjoyed the stuff very much. Pondus & stjärnglans!!
Fuck you! Hail Satan! (send up that track on MySpace, will you??!!;)).


Stench includes a couple of guys from the amazing Tribulation (who made one of the BEST albums 2009 – The Horror and got the same maniac blonde on guitar). Really good death metal all the way!!  The downside was that I didn´t get one good pic on the drummer. Sorry ´bout that. I´ll do better next time.


»MORE PICS FROM RIFS (Resurrected In Festering Slime) Fest HERE

Of course I arrived late and missed the first band:(  But either way,  I did see/hear some extremely good stuff!!  First out was Tormented from the same parts of the country than the great Facebreaker. Too bad Roberth (Tormented, Facebreaker, Scar Symmetry) was on tour somewhere in Europe with Scar Symmetry and couldn´t show up. I was a bit sad for awhile, then I heard that one of Sthlms finest, Tobbe Sillman, would be filling in with the bass. That Sillman boy is really everyplace these days??;) I´m not complaining…he´s  great whatever instrument he´s  demolishing at the time.


Evening of mayhem & destruction@ Kafé 44 a.k.a Fun with Soph & Pet.
Also first night of two of the RIFS Fest. Bands for the evening were Chronic Torment (GOOD gig!), Morbus Chron (didn´t see them because we went to Bröderna Olssons and stayed too long…everybody told me they were just great so I have to see them someplace), Maim (REALLY good!!!) and Mr. Death (ahhh….GREAT, you know….as always).

Here´s all the crap with the loved ones (both nights!)…the livepics are coming up soon….!album-491


Saturday, Halloween weekend, great bands and a sold out evening at Kafé 44. Lots of fun (and ever so drunk;)) people, but as always I only took a few pics besides the live ones. Which, by the way, are coming up very soon! Bands on stage were Insision, Mr. Death (also releaseparty for “Detached From Life”) and Torture Division.  ♥  Club Distortion / Sophie & Peter forever ♥
