The last band of the evening was TORTURE DIVISION. First time for me to see them live but I got these high expectations after all I heard about them. So… just when you thought the evening couldn´t get any better, it did. Absolutely amazing! And absolutely dangerous to even try to get some pics from infront of the stage. It wasn´t even worth trying;) TD also played a couple of songs with the great guitarists Tobbe Sillman from Vicious Art (on Eld och plågor) and Mange from Insision (on Into the grave). Club Distortion rules!! Always!!

Lord K Philipson, Tobben Gustafsson, Jörgen Sandström, Magnus Martinsson

[Live clip by friedskull]

>>MORE (live clips etc)

UNT, as in Upsala Nya Tidning, has some stuff with the moshoholics (with pics from our promoshoot earlier this year) in the paper today!! Haven´t read it yet (got the preview from Pat),  but they promised to hold a copy for me.
They´re doing a halloweengig tomorrow@KROM, Uppsala. Can´t go, but I hope to see them soon someplace else. Åland maybe?;)


diskThursday 22nd of october – a full day for Metallic Kitty with interviews, signingsession & stuff. I did what any good friend would do and left her completely alone early in the morning and went for a photowalk. Well…she was taking a 2hr bath anyway, so…;))  I came back about 3PM and the interviews were still going on at the hotel. A couple of hours later we all left for the Burrn! Magazine headquarters for the last interview of the day. A really good one, I think! The guy who did the interview was really serious and interested, the interpreter did a great job and Kitty came up with some good thoughts. Hope we can get the interview translated by somebody when it´s printed…? Me and Akira had an important role as quiet sidekicks;) Next stop was the signingsession at Disk Union.
IMG_1274Lots of fun people and even our friend Yayoi found her way to the shop. It was good to see her again:) Also saw a couple of familiar faces from Loud Park. Everything worked out perfectly and after some meet & greet with fans outside the shop, we went for some dinner with Mats & Akira (Spiritual Beast). They took us to this Izakaya where we got our own booth, lots of great food, some beer and some really clever (?;)) conversations. Kitty doesn´t drink any alcohol, but after a couple bottles of water, she really had it going;) Later we went to this rock club, owned by some friends of Mats & Akira. We also met Yayoi on the way, so she tagged along.

We had a great time with everybody. Too bad we had to catch an early train next morning, so we took the last train to Akihabara (the subway didn´t run anymore) and took the cab back to the hotel.
We miss you a lot, guys!! Next time we won´t book in any trips for the day after;)



flyerEarlier when my friend Takashi asked if he would buy us some tickets to the Loud Park festival, we said no. It was quite expensive, most of the bands play in Sweden all the time (except ROB ZOMBIE!!) and most of all, we thought we had far too little time to spend in Tokyo anyway, so a whole day on a festival…naaahhhh. Why we even discussed it, was mostly because we thought it would be so cool to go to a Japanese festival with a JAPANESE audience:) Then we thought it could be nicer to go to some small metalclub in Tokyo instead.

So…we didn´t buy the tickets and Takashi & Miho didn´t either, because they thought spending time with us was more important. And still they really wanted to go…
Anyway…It turned out that Kitty´s labelguys at Spiritual Beast kindly enough got us on the guestlist, so when Takashi & Miho Arrived to Tokyo on sunday we all went to Makuhari Messe in Chiba for the festival.
We had a great time!! It was really nice to meet everybody and see how things worked over there. Really cool!!!!! And I saw ROB ZOMBIE!!! He was soooo goood!! I didn´t get any good pics because I only took my small camera, but always something to see…I also got all these really really crappy videos. Have to take a good look at them first. Then I decide if there´s something to show you:)


>>MORE (live clips etc)

For awhile ago I tagged along with Kitty and Decadence when they were shooting the outdoor scenes for their new musicvideo. The result were finished and upped  last night on the Decadence webpage. The new album “Chargepoint” will be released in Japan today, and tomorrow Kitty and I are leaving for Tokyo!! I´m sure she will keep you posted;)
Me too,  but I´m just going for some vacation and to shoot some autumnfoliage in the mountains. Will be GREAT!! My darlingdarling friends, Takashi and Miho, from Hiroshima are also coming to Tokyo for a couple of days to hang out with us. Can´t wait to see them again!! They ordered some lingonberry jam, kexchoklad and some other stuff so today I´m doing some shopping;) Yesterday I heard that Olof (Skrikhult) is flying on the same plane with the guys from H.E.A.T, who are playing at Loud Park in the weekend. Hahha that´s cool:)

Anyway…here´s the Decadence video:

It´s been awhile (think I saw them last time at Tanto??) but now they were back and as good as ever. A Vicious Art gig you can only leave as a happy idiot:) They make you that way every time. You can´t help it.  And they deserved much more mayhem & mosh in the audience, but the alcoholrestrictions (new rules, only 2 beernights/month at Kafé 44 from now on) at the venue, made people feel a bit off I think. Anyway, this gig also made my extrememetalloving friend Eeva finally drag herself to a gig! Her son in law to be is in the band. Hope this wasn´t the last time for her…?;)
