REV 16:8 got to play very late so I had to run off in the middle of the gig.  Sorry for that, but I  shot as much I could before I left. There was so much smoke on the stage during the first couple of songs, so I could hardly see the band behind (and in) it. And it was really hard to get some decent pics. I got this gray layer in all of them…When it got clearer, I had to leave. Oh well…too bad, I did my best and the band sounded really good! Have to see a whole gig someplace soon.



>>MORE (live clips etc)

flyer_1200Never been to this Pluto venue before, but I think they´ve already hosted a lot of gigs to this date. Not so much metal, though. Not that I know anyway. REV 16:8 throwed a releaseparty for their latest album “Grand Tidal Rave” and special guests for the evening were Die Hard and Quad DMG (two guys playing black metal on guitar & drums. Strange but cool in some weird way.). I was kindly invited by Claes (REV´s manager) and I was really looking forward to this one.  Curious about REV 16:8…the material on their MySpace sounds really good! And I was going to see Die Hard again!

The backstage area was crowded, smoky and with free beer. I only had one as usual, but the gesture was enough, so thanx a lot Claes. You´re a generous guy!;)  The amazing leatherman Tommy was there and also did some shooting. He´s pics are already online on his facebook…I´m late as always. But here they go (the first ones):


Edit much later: Added the video #Running Free”

Went out to check out man.machine.industry making their newest musicvideo (wich will be released as single nr 2 right before the release of the upcoming album). Stayed for a couple of hours and took some pics. When I left, they still got hours of work to do. But knowing Bergman, It will be great in the end!;) Can´t wait to see the final result.



Got a message from Harry who told me that his band Electric Mayhem (wasn´t EM the band Animal played in in the Muppet show??;)) was going to play at a new rock/metalclub in Sundbyberg. He also asked if I could come over to shoot some pics. So I did.
Cool place with ok stage and lights. The sound could have been better, though. The other band playing was the well known Abramis Brama, and both bands got this 70´s groovy sound and look. And today I realized what Abramis Brama means…It´s a FISH!! I always thought it was somekind of hippiechant;))

All photos:
