One of the BESThardcore bands out there…and they just getting better. Last time I saw them was actually at the first Stagedive (2006) when it all ended up in somewhat chaotic last minute changing of venue and lots of crazy stuff…the new place was a pub so all the kids who wanted to see the bands couldn´t get in because the agelimit. The bands pretty much ended up playing for eachother.



The first hours in Nykvarn was hell. Was so tired I felt sick and I was in a really bad mood.
Seeing Intohimo on the Close Up stage made me feel better already and the Sonic gig and some extracoffee did the rest. Now it was really sad because this was the absolutely last Swedish concert with Roland in the band. Still, I think it will be great with the new guy, Nathan. He´s a nice guy, looks good, and seems to get along with the rest of the band really well. And they tell me he´s an amazing singer. So what else do you need?
He also took care of thIMG_0288at I got some coffee at the hotel in GBG. As I said, a really nice guy;)  Forgot the breakfastpic in the last post so send it up here instead)
The first time I saw Sonic Syndicate outdoors and instead for shooting in the photopit, I kept on using the zoomlens and found my self a good spot on a slope behind the crowd (which was btw going crazy during the show:)) and had a really good overall view.

More Sonic Syndicate pics
» Stagedive Day Out random pics


Some random shots

IMG_2406Roadtrip with Linda and her Dennis to Gothenburg. Met Renata (Pieni) at the trainstation and we went off to Sticky Fingers for the Sonic Syndicate gig. While I was waiting outside the station drinking coffee, trying to keep awake,  Pelle Hellbutcher Nifelheim came along and we chattered for awhile. Really nice surprice to see him there:)
The pics i took  for the latest  Nifelheim album ( Envoy of Lucifer ) came out quite  good, so I will hopefully get involved  when the next one´s in making.  And hope it doesn´t take seven years between the albums this time…in which case. Irrespective of me taking the pics or not;)
Anyway, after some sightseeing, we found the venue and had some dinner at the Thairestaurant right next to Sticky. Unfortunatly we missed the Skiller gig. Haven´t seen them for awhile and nowadays they also “belong” to Mike (Sonic manager). Took a couple of pics on Walking with Strangers and just waited for the Sonic gig to start…
Rolands last but one gig in Sweden with the band and they did really good as always. Can´t really remember seeing a lousy Sonic Syndicate gig:)  It also was a bit sad knowing one of them will soon be gone.
Daniel picked us up afterwards and took us to  his place. 2 hrs of sleep and then out & away again to the hotel S.S. were staying. The plan was to get a ride with the band back to Stockholm, but it showed that there wasn´t any room for us and our stuff in the small bus after all, so we took the train instead. Quick stop at my house, then moved on to the Stagedive Day Out in Nykvarn.



While I was away having the time of my life in New Orleans, F.K.Û released their latest album “Where Moshers Dwell”.  They  also sent me a party-pack stuffed with F.K.Û goodies: CD´s, vinylsingles & stickers. Of course also the latest album which, besides my photos;), also includes coverart and a 10 page comicbook by Jeff Zornow and Robert “Freddy Krueger” Englund himself as narrator. Cool stuff to come home to:)) Another great album from Swedens finest moshers.
One thing I won´t miss out is the upcoming releaseparty the 29th of august!! See you there!
OMG!! Back for real now…start working tomorrow…:(


Right now I´m in New Orleans, Louisiana. But the internet works fine and I got a message from Mr. Bergman that he upped a new episode from DVD “The Rise of The Insane”. So , whatta f**k, here you go;)Love it here, btw!!

P.S. All of you who I met here but never gave my number to, you can reach me in NOLA on 621-6370. I´ll be around to 5th of august.
See you@One Eyed Jacks tomorrow!!:)

Last time I saw the Vampyric metalband Lamia Antitheus live was at the Dead Generation festival for a couple a years ago. Back then without Letheus, the original vocalist. They got this female singer instead and I really don´t remember how she sounded like…Anyway, this time there was the full line-up with Letheus (which i used to know as a photographer;)) and all, and they really sounded pretty good.

Nice guys, nice trip…we can do it again anytime! Next time I want one of those t-shirts!;)




The reason why I ended up at the  Crooked Horns in Lindesberg were the guys in LAMIA ANTITHEUS. They asked me for a month ago if I could tag along with them and I think I promised to do so. And then I forgot all about it…;)
Linus Letheus called and reminded me about it the day before, so I had to get in touch with Daniel (“Framed Noice” Falk), who was on his way to  Sthlm and my place in between the Arvika and Rockweekend festivals. He did fine without me being at home, so no harm done:)  Anyway, Linus picked me up early in the morning, and after a couple of hours and passing many, many sheep pastures (??), we arrived in Lindesberg.  The band did some soundchecking, and after that  we went to the  local pizzaplace for some  lunch.  Enjoyed my day out very much, so thanks guys:)
Here´s some Lamia A. backstage action (more pics right HERE):


crookedaff I do love undeground festivals. Lots of bands playing 2-3 days, GREAT performances,  no agelimit and it´s very cheap. Still there´s  almost nobody there. WHY is that??  Summer is generally a bad time for smaller events, I think.  There´s so many  events & festivals all over the place.
Anyway, these kind of festivals are a good way to  find new and interesting bands.
Now, this one was on a sunday, which was the third and last day of the festival. There were some more people on friday and saturday, but not so many as it should have been. The line-up was a good mix  of new and more established bands, it was cheap and the venue…well…quite suitable for this kind of events;).
One of the guys keeping it all together was the Vemoth vocalist Behemiron who also was kind enough to provide me with one of their new band t-shirts. Appreciated it a lot;).
Vemoth were also one of the bands playing earlier at the festival.

There´s a new chance for you in august when the KRIS Festival is hitting Lindesberg. Lots of qualitymetal for 50kr/day.

Some of the bands on last day of Crooked Horns:
» Monochrome Fear
» Brute
» Misericordia


Two nights in a row I went to take some pics on location when Decadence worked on a musicvideo last week.
Can´t give away any spoilers, but Kitty blogged up some photos herself, so I can show the same pics. She also wroted some more about the idea behind the musicvideo. You can read about it » here.
The ancient woodland in Tyresta was really something. Really beautiful forest and there´s lots of it (Tyresta National Park is very large). The video is filmed & directed by Helena Starenby.


Got some “presents” last week…
The first ones from my friend Erik who gave me the new  General Surgery cd promotion poster & some postcards. My photos, of course;) Think it looked good (in IRL)…here´s a couple of shitty photos of the stuff:


“Present” nr.2: My friends, Takashi and Miho, were here from Hiroshima, Japan last week visiting me. They had found an old issue of Young Guitar with an interview with Roger of Sonic Syndicate. And the photo of him is my work. Took it in the studio for a couple of years ago. Micke J. got also a pic in the article and he got all the photocredits. Bastard! Not his fault, of course…we´ll still be friends;)  Someone just didn´t give the info to the magazine when handing over the pics… Anyway. It looks like this:


I stopped saving all kinds of crap for a long time ago, but I always love to get magazines, posters,flyers and stuff with my photos on. So gimme!!!:)
The past week I tagged along with Kitty & Decadence two nights in a row to the deep forests where they shot their first musicvideo. I´ll give you some pics soon…and the video will be really cool!!