[Edit 7/12 2012: Satanic Speed Metal@Püssy A Go Go + link to more clips]
Of course they played Satanic Speeeeeeed Metal!!!!:))  D666 seemed to enjoy themselves playing on the very small stage. The crowd enjoyed it even more, and after taking some few & really sucky shots I cowardly escaped from the frontline. Didn´t see that much the rest of the set behind all people, but I heard it well enough. Melissa did also some great vocals at some point (that vid is only on Facebook, so I can´t link it. Check the Iron Fist Mag. page or dito!!)), and my personal hero Perra (NOMINON) has been playing the drums with D666 before on tours etc. and did it also this time.


Satanic Speed Metal @ Püssy A Go Go (Lots of clips from the same guy!!)

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