Black metal band from Lahti, Finland, founded in 2006.
Couldn´t stay for very long but sounded good on stage. The new album seems to be an interesting one. Only heard it once so a couple more spins and then I know what I feel about it. Sounds very promising, tho.
RAUTA has a review on his channel.
“IV – Infinite Victor” is our homage to the ultimate victor, Death. The fourth horseman of Apocalypse. Under Satan´s blessing, eventually Death will take you, the whole mankind, even god & Satan himself. Everything ends someday. I suggest you start preparing to follow him. The album deals also with the strong topic of might is right. How flesh eventually obeys steel. Blood, flesh, iron, dust. All the keys in the hands of the beast!” – Von Bastard. Recent interview @ metalsinterviewsworldwide

[Live clip by Gronn Onland]

Collected notes & links:
– Latest release:  IV – Infinite Victor May 2023
– Album cover by the great Nestor Avalos
– Label: Woodcut Records
– Band: Tooloud Bass Von Bastard Guitars Wrathprayer Vocals
– This was also the ‘IV – Infinite Victor‘ album release gig
– Review “IV – Infinite Victor” by Rauta (YouTube)

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