Pagan Black Metal from Finland since 1998. This was their first live performance!

Originally a three man project consisting of Anssi “Vrasjarn” Mäkinen and his brother; BAPTISM guitarist and vocalist Ossi “Lord Sargofagian” Mäkinen, and guitarist Toni Pö
In Norse mythology, Ymir is a primordial, evil giant and the first to come into existence in the nine realms of all living things.

“I have always felt the most valuable things about Black Metal as artform or music relate to realistic and sometimes controversial ways of thinking, making it a reflection of life itself. Paganism, modern tribalism, stoicism, all were ideologically remained pieces of mental and physical warrior cultures, starting from the pre-roman days and much further. The original purpose to me, at least here in Scandinavia was take a step aside from certain cultural patterns offered by society, religion being main opposer.”Interview from 2022

Really good even for a first time listener! Again one of the rare live bands to play at the festival. First live for YMIR since the start in -98. The drummer VnoM Markkanen kept busy this weekend playing in at least 3 bands:)
[Live clips by sarvi & Infinite Chaos Promotions]

Collected notes & links:
– Current label: Werewolf Records
– Latest album: Aeons of Sorrow Full-length 2022
– Band: Vrasjarn Syphon VnoM Agathul Corvus
– Review “Ymir” by RAUTA (YouTube)
– Review “Aeons of Sorrow” by RAUTA (YouTube)

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Hyperspeed black metal
“Out of the ashes of a German Death Metal band (DISSECTION 1989-1993), TSATTHOGGUA formed in 1993 and decided to drive their efforts into an even more bizarre, faster and outrageous style” – Band bio, Osmosis Productions

Weird & wonderful. And fast!!!:D As last year, so many cool findings at Steelfest and these guys were awesome!
(Typo in the front picture. Fixed now:))

Collected notes:
 Tsatthoggua is the name of an ancient god in the literature works of H. P. Lovecraft and Clark Ashton Smith.
– Their second album “Trans Cunt Whip”  was recorded @  Swedish Abyss Studios
– They split up in 2000 for almost 20 years
Old website still online. No updates since June 2000.
– First interview after the reunion in 2020 by

[Setlist below from so dunno if complete & correct. A bunch of new songs.]
[Live clips by TSATTHOGGUA & Gronn Onland]

Band: Nar Marratuk – guitars, North Wind – vocals, keyboards,False Prophet – bass guitar, Lightning Bolt – drums

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Battle black from Los Angeles, California.
“Gravespawn – the ultimate death metal monicker? – is a USA-based black metal solo act founded by jarhead Reaver while in the army in Oklahoma, USA and furthered while stationed in South Korea. That country is occupied by American forces, while North Korea is a dictatorship supported by China”.
About Satanism & Anti-religion in the beginning  and later got into Dark history, Mythology & Battles (according to Metal Archives)
Their friend  Ashareth stept in for the rhythm guitar (also mandolin for some parts) and stuff happened. From the bands FB:
“Due to armor malfunction (something I’m all too familiar with), our guest guitarist dislocated her shoulder during our set. Yet she still powered through the show, took photos with us backstage, and sat through our signing session before getting her husband to rush her to the hospital. That is true fucking black metal right there. The same dudes who gripe about women playing black metal would probably bitch out off the stage crying.”
No one ever noticed…
Cool girl! Hats off! And ofc she´s into other awesome stuff. Like being the owner and founder of Blackmetal Armory etc.

Collected notes:
– Reaver is “active in a nationwide living history organization called the SCA where I fight in competitive armored combat” (or at least was when he did this interview with occultblackmetalzine in 2016.
– Current label: Satanath Records
– Latest album: Scourge of the Realm Full-length 2022
– Booking inquiries:
Interview with GRAVESPAWN February 2018
Full concert from Steelfest. Recorded by Nestruction Studios

[Live clip by Gronn Onland]

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Blackened Death from France formed in 2006.
“RITUALIZATION are the gathering of four individuals who share the same ideas about the way death metal must be played. Manning the six six six wires of hatred, Infamist’s initial purpose was to bring another musical incarnation to the light of darkness” 

Also a new band for me! Great gig in full sunlight. Very hot, very heavy. Great vocalist and yay for the awesome drummer!!

[Live clip below by Gronn Onland]

Collected notes & links:
Band: Blastum Drums (also in Merrimack, Antaeus (live), in one of my last years favourites: Osculum Infame (live) and he used to play in Aosoth Infamist Guitars Warchangel Vocals Da’ath Guitars Daethorn Bass, Vocals (backing) (also in Merrimack)
– Latest release: Hema Ignis Necros EP 2022
– Current Label: Iron Bonehead Productions
– Merch:

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“Gaurithoth played twisted, furious and mental black metal in the vein of Impaled Nazarene, Enochian Crescent and others. Blasphemous and perverse. Gaurithoth was founded in Southern Savonia, Finland at 1997. After debut demo “In Moonlight We Gather” band headed to studio to record their full-length which was released in 1998 by band themself, in CD-R with shitty xeroxed covers. Although promotion was poor, band gained more reputation with its furious live shows where blood and vomit was spilled all over the stage. Because that band got banned from several venues.”
– Werewolf records

Second day, first indoor band to play.
One of the (many) good reasons of visiting Steelfest is to find out about truly awesome Finnish underground bands. GAURITHOTH haven´t recorded anything since 2006 and are officially split up, but here they are:) The festival general Jani has somehow managed to get bands who, for various reasons doesn´t exist anymore back on the stage.
While looking for film clips I found GAURITHOTH covering a pop song from the 90´s at some gig (posted online in 2015). Probably just making sense for the Finns but it´s here:)

[Live clips below by Gronn Onland, Infinite Chaos Promotions]

Collected notes:
– Latest release: Gaurithoth Full-length 2006
– Band: Valgrinder Bass Cunt Meister Guitars Wargasmaster Guitars Anal Master Vocals V.W.Hellboozer Vocals

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Finnish Black Metal since 2009. “Does pure black metal have a purifying effect? Sometimes I think so. It makes me forget the daily shit and allows me to take a short trip into another dimension. Of course, there are some journeys that do not end in an outstanding experience, but what can go wrong if you have a Finnish tour guide? Satan says: not much. Rienaus do not mark an exception in this context.”Felix 1666 @ Metal Archives review
“Rienaus is raw second wave Black Metal with a typical sound and atmosphere for Finnish Black Metal. I also draw influences from old French bands like Torgeist and Mütiilation”
– Mavrofos 2017

Not the easiest task to start up day 2 at a festival around lunchtime. Still they did good and as usual, the metalheads delivered and a fair amount of them braved hangovers after a long first night (some with no sleep at all:)). 
Thought that a couple of the guys looked familiar:) The vocalist Mavrofos (Eetu Ikonen) and the bassplayer Lucifuge Rofocale also play in AZAZEL.
[Live clip below by Gronn Onland]

Collected notes:

– Current label: Kvlt
– Latest album: Luciferille Nov 2022
Interview April 2017
“Luciferille” review by Rauta

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