Hyperspeed black metal
“Out of the ashes of a German Death Metal band (DISSECTION 1989-1993), TSATTHOGGUA formed in 1993 and decided to drive their efforts into an even more bizarre, faster and outrageous style” – Band bio, Osmosis ProductionsWeird & wonderful. And fast!!!:D As last year, so many cool findings at Steelfest and these guys were awesome!
(Typo in the front picture. Fixed now:))Collected notes:
– Tsatthoggua is the name of an ancient god in the literature works of H. P. Lovecraft and Clark Ashton Smith.
– Their second album “Trans Cunt Whip” was recorded @ Swedish Abyss Studios
– They split up in 2000 for almost 20 years
– Old website still online. No updates since June 2000.
– First interview after the reunion in 2020 by orthodoxblackmetal.com: https://www.orthodoxblackmetal.com/tsatthoggua-interview-2020/[Setlist below from www.setlist.fm so dunno if complete & correct. A bunch of new songs.]
[Live clips by TSATTHOGGUA & Gronn Onland]Band: Nar Marratuk – guitars, North Wind – vocals, keyboards,False Prophet – bass guitar, Lightning Bolt – drums
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