Havard Ellefsen/MORTIIS – the head troll of Dark Dungeon Music performed “Ånden som gjorde Upprør” (Era 1) with some additions and modifications. Extreme amounts of darkness and smoke. Good for the atmosphere, bad for the pictures:)

“I don’t just want to do the record as it was back in 1994, but rather excavate it from 1994 and drag it into the new light of the current world, while retaining the atmosphere of the original sound,” – Mortiis [bravewords.com]


MORTIIS – The only picture I took backstage. Already made several improvised versions of it just because.Would love to do a real dungeon shoot some day. Such an inspiring character:)

Håvard – a genuinly nice guy with another genuinly nice guy: Adrian (IXXI & ANGREPP)

>>MORE (live clips etc)


Åkte in framförallt för att se Mortiis Ellefsen som är på turné med MAYHEM. Ett tag sen nu plus att han styrde upp mina pass osv (takk:)). Coolt med trumslagaren han hade med sig.
[Liveclips av Eriks Klipp & David S. Grop]

TAG: Mortiis @ extremmetal.se

>>MORE (live clips etc)


“Of all the Icelandic bands that work the dark arts, NYIÞ is probably the most elusive and mysterious.”stranger-aeons.com
Great night at Gaukurinn! Had the photo shoot with Mortiis Ellefsen done in rain and storm (went well I think!), now some cool live and hanging out with the Misþyrming guys. Their guitarist Thomas and his girlfriend Anna (NYIÞ) were our guides and drivers to the photo locations. We could never have managed without them:)  Also they gave me the  Algleymi CD!
So except the Troll himself, I had the chance to see some really awesome Icelandic stuff. Some atmospheric black metal w Almyrkvi and then the weird and fantastic NYIÞ which are very hard to describe but  they who try call it Ritual Dark ambient/dark folk/dark jazz. Never seen/heard anything like it. Love Iceland!

GALLERIES: Mortiis / Almyrkvi / NYIÞ
» The Troll – An Icelandic Saga
Later addition: NYIÞ @ unsafebutsound.com 2020


>>MORE (live clips etc)


A weekend in Reykjavik with Håvard E.  for a MORTIIS photo shoot on friday and the Reykjavik Goth Night at Gaukurinn on Saturday.


We got some obstacles and restrictions (lights, weather, temperature etc etc xD), but we had the most awesome help from Tómas (Misþyrming) and Anna (NYIÞ),  who drove us around and assisted when needed:) (They are also featured in my Icelandic saga The Troll:))). We worked with what we got and I think we did alright. What a fantastic country, though!!!


The night before the shoot was stormy with downpour ( couldn´t go outside on the terrace for a smoke because I was afraid that the winds would rip the door right off xD ) and that continued in the morning when our friends came to pick us up. So we made the decision to start with the cave pictures. Great with shelter when it was raining. Just that the cave floor was covered in some mud that was behaving in different ways. Either it was very slippery or just got you glued to the ground. Also it was constantly dripping ice cold water from above. Very interesting.
Luckily the raining slowed down a bit in awhile so we stayed at the cave but got some nice pics right outside.  I´m not at all sure where we were at but it looked a bit like Mariuhellar when sorting out the pictures. Not too far from Reykjavik.


Next stop was (need to check the name of the location) a bit further out from town. Stunning views along the way , took some pics on a beach with mountains all around it and ended up somewhere with hot mud pools and steaming activity.
We drove around all over the place, stopped here and there for some (quick) pictures. Like at the lava fields. Absolutely amazing!! Always quick because Håvard/Mortiis outfit wasn´t really made for the brutal cold and harsh conditions that Iceland offers  in   November.  Whatever ideas and experiments we had in mind,  we had to skip. A couple of minutes of straight up shooting and then Håvard had to get some time to warm up in the car. Blue was not his best skin tone so we needed to keep him at least slightly normal coloured. It was really, really cold even when you were properly dressed:/





»  MORTIIS LIVE  @ extreMMetal.se

Interviews etc



Some press:


The Lavafields. Another quick stop

“Spirit Of Rebellion”, Gatefold LP on Picture Disc Vinyl, strictly limited edition of 100 copies. Released March 2021.

“Spirit Of Rebellion”, Gatefold LP on Picture Disc Vinyl, strictly limited edition of 100 copies. March 2021.

Tourist stuff in Reykjavik


Great stuff I got today!!!:D
A couple of strictly limited (250 copies worldwide) vinyls, posters (my photo taken at the Cold Meat Industry 30th anniversary fest:)) and the beautiful black/golden ouroboros patch. THANKS a lot!:D

Amongst other cool merch in the MORTIIS webstore you can find a few posters. Also the one with my photo:)


It really does make a great poster:D  The “Era 1″  show was awesome btw. MORTIIS has done some extensive touring the past year and there´s still concerts coming up if you have missed out. Dates & venues HERE.



» Webstore
» MORTIIS Facebook

» Mortiis live @ CMI 30 [extreMMetal.se]



New stuff from MORTIIS!!!!
Awesome video from the upcoming 2019 album “Spirit of Rebellion” with a new version of “Visions of an Ancient Future” (Originally on “Ånden som Gjorde Opprør” 1994)

More @ Metalhammer:

MORTIIS live dates:

[Photo: Soile Siirtola @ extreMMetal.se]


Amongst other cool merch in the MORTIIS webstore you can find a few posters. This one is a photo I took at the Cold Meat Industry 30 year anniversary festival i Stockholm for about a year ago when he performed the “Era 1 ” set for the first time in ages.

It really does make a great poster:D The “Era 1” show was awesome btw. MORTIIS has done some extensive touring the past year and there´s still concerts coming up if you have missed out. Dates & venues HERE.

» MORTIIS Facebook
» Webstore

» Mortiis @ CMI 30 [extreMMetal.se]



Mortiis will present a live reinterpretation of the 1994 release Ånden Som Gjorde Opprør this fall at the Cold Meat Industry 30th Anniversary celebration in Stockholm.
“I don’t just want to do the record as it was back in 1994, but rather excavate it from 1994 and drag it into the new light of the current world, while retaining the atmosphere of the original sound,” said Mortiis”


Första gången jag träffade Håvard/Mortiis Ellefsen var på legendariska Cold Meat Industry 30 Years Anniversary på Klubben, Sthlm.

Han var supertrevlig så langade en flaska med resorbvatten till honom när han soundcheckade och mådde inte så prima. Bra fest kvällen innan!:D
Han hade nån inbokad fotosession på eftermiddagen (just dagen efter festen) med någon som hade kontaktat honom tidgare och efter den såg jag honom gå mot logen i full Mortiisklädsel, så frågade ifall jag kunde få ta EN bild innan han bytte om. Så tog faktiskt bara en enda ruta. Bilden blev helt ok så vi gjorde en deal och sen hängde den med rätt länge i alla möjliga sammanhang (massor med gig/turné posters & flyers) och finns fortfarande att köpa som poster i Mortiis webshop. Bra story:)
Fantastiska 2 dagar med CMI 30.



I can´t say I´m any expert when it comes to this kind of music and was only familiar with a very few of the performing artists, but I was very happy to be there. Loved all the dark stuff, the crowd was really cool and dedicated, nice people in general and the organizers and the crew (including the crew dog Balder who stayed in his own trailer outside the venue) were amazing. And there were always coffee and something to eat :D Met a bunch of old friends and also made a couple of new ones. For me the most memorable performances were by Sephiroth, Mortiis, Ordo Rosarius Eq and In Slaughter Natives, just to single out some.

Due to venue rules I wasn´t allowed to shoot from the pit in the front (because the curtain in the pit and because it would have delayed the bands getting on and off stage. Go figure xD) and trying to bully my way  to the frontline was not an option because that would have been disturbing and annoying for everyone trying to focus on the performances. So I couldn´t really go and explore the space:)) But as always one just have to work with what you´ve got, and in the end get a bunch of crappy pics and some cool ones.
Thanks to everyone involved and here´s some snapshots taken with various of devices.

Before it all started…
