Den 1:a Maj 2007 var jag och grabbarna i NATTAS instängda i studion för några timmar (minus minst en timme på Donken).

Vi skulle åstadkomma promopics och nånting för kommande plattan.
Dom nya studioblixtarna hade inte kommit ännu så man fick klara sig med en gammal som dock funkade rimligt bra efter säkringsbyte.


» NATTAS live etc @

[Promo shoot / Pics for album “Inde Deus Abest” 2007. Studio, Sthlm]
All photos Copyright (C) Soile Siirtola – Not to be used without permission.


Inde Deus Abest  releasedatum: 2 Juli 2010

“Andra albumet från svenska Nattas. Mixat och mastrat av Mike Wead (King Diamond) och Simon Johansson (Wolf, Memory Garden).”

[Promo shoot / Pics for album “Inde Deus Abest” 2007. Studio, Sthlm]
All photos Copyright (C) Soile Siirtola – Not to be used without permission.

No, really nothing at all. Not since Suffocation for a couple of weeks ago.
On saturday I will go & see Maze of Torment & Nattas, though. And I also will do a photoshoot with Nattas the 1:st of May. Looking forward to do that;))))
The few photos I´ve been taking lately have been just “normal” pics. You know…pets, friends, cherryblossoms & stuff like that.
I run (my other photosite) for everything else but metal, but there´s still some stuff you might like. Churchyards & some UE, for example. Or  maybe you even like flowers and cats? So take a look while waiting for the metalpics –  I have nothing else to offer right now;)
And there´s NOT going to be Venompics:(  I´m not here when they´re playing in Sthlm.
Talk later // Soile