Nån gång i juli blev jag kontaktad av Volbeats management ang en gammal promobild jag tog på första plåtningen med FIRESPAWN (FIREBORN just då). Dom hade ju redan flashat den på SRF men nu skulle den flasha förbi i deras nya officiella video “Becoming”. Volbeat har väl adrig ingått i min lilla hörna av hårdrock & metal. Enda kopplingen hittills har varit att dom faktiskt är King Diamonds personliga vänner (några av dom dök upp på rehearsalveckan i Danmark för ett antal år sen. I vilket fall så blev det en deal. Videon nedanför↓

“So, we decided, later on, to actually dedicate “Becoming” to LG because of the great inspiration that we had in that song. So, yeah, “Becoming” has somehow become the LG song.” –  Michael Poulsen (Volbeat news Aug -22)
“Becoming” Official Video – volbeat.com news

 “10 years have passed since Nefas took his final hike and journey beyond Andromeda.URGEHAL will do a few selected gigs to uphold his legacy and honor his untimely passing!The Deathmarch for Nefas will be performed by Enzifer (guitar), Malphas (guitar), Mannevond (bass), Uruz (drums), Shax (vocals) and Sorath (vocals).”
URGEHAL ute och spelar några gigs till minne av Trond Bråthen / Trondr Nefas (1977-2012). I februari 2016 släpptes ‘Aeons in Sodom‘. En hyllningsplatta med tidigare Nefas inspelningar lite här & var. Gästvokalister: Nocturno Culto (Darkthrone) Hoest (Taake)Mannevond (Koldbrann) Niklas Kvarforth (Shining) Sorath Northgrove (Beastcraft) Nattefrost (Carpathian Forest, Nattefrost)Nag (Tsjuder) Bay (Sadistic Intent) R.M (Angst Skvadron). Extra info om inspelningen
Jävligt coolt att höra låtarna live. Och dom började med Goatcraft Torment!
[Liveclip av Eriks Klipp]


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Tjahapp? Vad ska man säga mer att kidsen äger på scen så boka dom vid första bästa! Kvalitetsthrash från Sthlm så det bara ryker om det sedan 2019 (!).
Bästa folket på Sinister Bookings & Death Disco Productions hade det goda omdömet att plocka in dom på en kväll som annars var black metal. Funkade prima.
Bandet: Adrian Tobar – Lead Guitar and Vocals Tobias Lindström – Lead Guitar Jacob Livåg – Bass Alphonse Bouquelon – Drums
[Live clip av Eriks Klipp]


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I love Norway and many Norwegian bands, but TAAKE is definitely the most “Norway” to me. Epic (as always) show. Even with only one guitar. The second guitar ( Aindiachaí  or Sanrabb  ?) was on his way but got stuck somewhere for some stupid reason and couldn´t get to the festival:/ Gjermund is a hero and an awesome musician so in the end it all had the best possible outcome. Ofc they played Myr also. Banjo solos rule!:D
Pehr from ALFAHANNE appeared on stage again for one song:)
On stage @ Steelfest: Hoest Rune Nesse (drums) Gjermund Fredheim (guitar & banjo) V’gandr (bass)
[Live clips by TopiKoo, sams6s & Gronn Onland]


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“Every single element of Antimateria looks totally devoted to Atmospheric Black Metal in its purest meaning, even the production work, enough clean to let us tell each single instrument and yet sufficiently home-madeish to highlight the darkest vein of the arrangement”
Juno Bloodlust, 2016 review of “Valo Aikojen Takaa”

[Live clips by TopiKoo &  Extreme Metal Syndicate]


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VALKYRJA got booked kinda in the last minute because of a sudden free spot in the festival line up. Good to see them live again. First time I saw Linus (IXXI, SINIESTRO etc) on stage with them.
Janetta (merch & my roommate) actually took time off from the booth just to see the band:)
[Live clips by Gronn Onland, sams6s & Anna Bekker]


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