We did the F.K.Û. shoot in an old foundry (hope that´s the word?) which still were used for business. Loved the place, but every bit of my gear (btw the first time ever I tried out my mobile studio. Worked fine!) was covered with this black dust and it took like two weeks to clean it all up:) I really like the pics, think they were quite good. The guys are really fun to work with, so guess that also helped a lot;)


First time i tried out my new mobile studio…worked out really nice. Good buy I think…
Loved the pics!  Just can´t show you any of them yet…when the album is out in april.  Maybe a bit earlier…dunno yet.
Anyway it was a long day, a long way from home, but we got lots of food so we didn´t go hungry, the perculator worked fine,  the location was black and scary and the Moshoholics looked great.


While I was away having the time of my life in New Orleans, F.K.Û released  “Where Moshers Dwell”.  They  also sent me a party-pack stuffed with F.K.Û goodies: CD´s, vinylsingles & stickers. The album, besides my photos, also includes coverart and a 10 page comicbook by Jeff Zornow and Robert “Freddy Krueger” Englund himself as narrator. Cool stuff to come home to:) Another great album from Swedens finest moshers.
Releaseparty the 29th of august!



F.K.Ü “Twitch of The Thrash Nerve” – THE VIDEO IS HERE!!!
F.K.Ü “Twitch of The Thrash Nerve” – The Videoinspelning Uppsala 15/5 2010


F.K.Û – Release gig “Where moshers Dwell” Kafé 44 29/8 2009
F.K.Û Releaseparty Pt.3 – The…everybody
F.K.Û Releaseparty Pt.2 29/8 2009 – The Videoshoot
F.K.Û Releaseparty Pt.1 29/8 2009 – The Early Hours


“Where Moshers Dwell”  Release June 2009  / Metal On Metal Records


Line up

Pat Splat Bass, Vocals (backing)
Dr. Ted Killer Miller Drums, Vocals (backing)
Pete Stooaahl Guitars, Vocals (backing)
Larry Lethal Vocals

Track listing:

1. Welcome To Your Nightmare
2. Where Moshers Dwell
3. Twitch Of The Thrash Nerve
4. Faster Than The Shark
5. The Pit And The Poser
6. Dead Coroner
7. Almost Metal
8. Hate Your Guts (Love Your Brain)
9. Bedilia – Back For Cake
10. Worms
11. Sleepwalker Texas Ranger
12. He Knows The Drill
13. Six Feet Underwear
14. Phantom Killer Attack
15. Blairsville Blues
16. Horror Metal Moshing Machine
17. Highway To Horror


Robert Englund Narration (track 1) (as “Freddy Krueger” character)
Ryan Sorensen Guitars (lead) (track 4)
Jörgen Sandström Vocals (additional) (track 9)

Mats Lindfors (R.I.P. 2017) Mastering
Jeff Zornow Cover art, Artwork, Graphics concept
Soile Siirtola Photography
Lawrence Mackrory Mixing
Amanda Krueger Executive producer


Photoshoot with Spazmosity, a blackmetal band from Stockholm.  There were blood…lots of it EVERYWHERE! 


We tried to keep it clean on the studio floor  in the beginning, but after a couple of hours we had to give up. Simply too much of the stuff…Luckily it was quite easy to clean the floors when we were finished. And the guys did their part, of course.  Fun day;)


[Promo shoot 2008 + album pics for “Welcome Death” CD 2010. Studio. Sthlm]
All photos Copyright (C) Soile Siirtola – extremmetal.se. Not to be used without permission.


Full-length CD Release date: February 2nd, 2010
Khaosmaster Productions

M. Lamming Guitars
Björn Thelberg Guitars
Mikael Nordström Bass
Dimman Drums
Peter Emanuelsson Vocals, Lyrics



Here´s some of the non-bloody pictures:


…and some bloody ones:


…the guys:


…and a “poster”. My favourite pic on Emanuelsson;):


25th of January 2008
Peter (Deceiver, ex-Maze of Torment] dropped by for some promo pics for his solo project FLESH. The following year the project became THE PETE FLESH DEATHTRIP.
The album “Mortui Vivos Docent” was released in 2013 and one of the pictures ended up on the CD.
Some smokes, some coffee and he made friends with my cat Werner:)

Photoshoot 18th of august 2007.
Promos & pictures for “Last Human Standing”, release December 2007
Many hours in and outside the studio. A fun but long and exhausting day with the guys:)
We had a great time and I also found a new pizzaplace near the studio. All this time and I ever even saw the place??


Somewhat odd facts: “Stockholm, Sweden based act Skellington released their debut album Last Human Standing back in 2007, which surprisingly went directly to No 1 at the Scandinavian Megastores website charts for Most Bought Heavy Metal Album. And it stayed there on the No 1 spot for four weeks in a row. But instead of taking the next logical step the band instead ended up with that classic tale of record company problems. This recording features Andy K (Anders Häggkvist) from Eternia and Destynation” – TPL Records




Album photos by Soile Siirtola / extreMMetal.se



A couple of days shooting pics in Studio Fiat Lux and also outdoors. For promotion & for the single “I´ll be around” & the upcoming album “Destination Terrorville”.
Manager Mike represent:)


LINE UP: Niklas Fagerström (vocals, guitar), Fabien Perreau (drums, vocals) Serban Carapancea (guitar) Flavia Canel (bass)




Den 1:a Maj 2007 var jag och grabbarna i NATTAS instängda i studion för några timmar (minus minst en timme på Donken).

Vi skulle åstadkomma promopics och nånting för kommande plattan.
Dom nya studioblixtarna hade inte kommit ännu så man fick klara sig med en gammal som dock funkade rimligt bra efter säkringsbyte.


» NATTAS live etc @ extreMMetal.se

[Promo shoot / Pics for album “Inde Deus Abest” 2007. Studio, Sthlm]
All photos Copyright (C) Soile Siirtola – extremmetal.se. Not to be used without permission.


Inde Deus Abest  releasedatum: 2 Juli 2010

“Andra albumet från svenska Nattas. Mixat och mastrat av Mike Wead (King Diamond) och Simon Johansson (Wolf, Memory Garden).”

[Promo shoot / Pics for album “Inde Deus Abest” 2007. Studio, Sthlm]
All photos Copyright (C) Soile Siirtola – extremmetal.se. Not to be used without permission.

Photo shoot with SERPENT OBSCENE ( 1997 – 2006)  in April 2005.  Shot the outdoor pics at an old (abandoned) tuberculosis hospital and at some sandpits. We also climbed up in a water towerFor the indoor shots we occupied the local youth centre and used their smoke machine.
Additional note: The pizzaplace where we went for lunch made pentagrams in bearnaise on the pizzas m/.
One of the smoky pics ended up on the album “Chaos Reign Supreme” (cover art made by the great Joe Petagno) and the whatever pics on the album are also by me.
Trivia: The winged Serpent Obscene skull was made by Erik Tormentor and it´s also used here and there in “Swedish Death Metal”, the book by Daniel Ekeroth (the spikes removed, tho).
The band split up after releasing the album and I´m still not over it! No release gigs, no nothing.
Erik “Tormentor” Sahlström – V / Johan Thörngren – G Nicklas Eriksson – G / Jonny Putrid – B / Jonas Eriksson – D




:: » EXTRAS ::

Sometime in the spring 2004, me and my friend Erik Destormo marched out to the deep dark woods.


It was night, full moon, snow and cold and we got with us in a plastic bag an axe and a real human skull Erik had borrowed from some guy. And also some stuff to make a few torches. We thought if somebody stops us and ask what the hell we are doing, we tell that we are on our way to the Convent….


Our mission: to take some pics for the upcoming Deceiver album. And so we did…with a sucky camera at a horses (Gubben) grave somewhere in the darkness. It was really spooky and I was afraid of Blair Witch and wild boars.
The pics appeared on three Deceiver albums. Erik left the band after the first one was released.
End of story…
The band pic below is the sole survivor from the band shoot earlier the same year. Have no clue what happened to the original pictures and Erik Destormo is not even included in this one. Photo taken in Strängnäs.
Line up: Crille Lundin Bass Magnus “Flingan” Flink Drums Peter Karlsson Guitars Destormo Vocals




Later we painted (or Erik did…) a new backdrop for Deceiver…in real blood of course.