The Grande Finale of a long day. Didn´t have much to do, so left quite early and “helped” to pick up the bus DF were using the rest of the weekend and getting the gear from the rehearsal place. After arriving to the venue I just drifted around trying not to be too much in the way. The venue was really nice and all the staff also, so all the waiting was not too bad at all. There were even a Banksy exhibition in the building (still there until the 4th of February -24)


Always nice to see bands that you usually only see on bigger stages with all the works. A really good gig and DF tried out some new stuff on stage (no fire this time). Looked good with the colours and smoke, but not so much photo friendly lights. But I did the best I could:) Good crowd and met/noticed quite many ppl from the music business. Being a weekday in Stockholm, there was a great support for this event.
Overall a very nice day.
DARK FUNERAL and the supporting bands continued the weekend with Uppsala (Fri) and Trollhättan (Sat).
[Live clips by Edgar]

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Mighty as always. The venue did not allow the use of blood but they did look good even without.

The band: C. (Christian Jönsson Baad) : Vocals (2016-present), Guitars (2016-2017) E. (Eddie Lindgren) : Guitars, Vocals (2016-present) D. (Dennis Holm) : Bass (2016-present) O. (Oscar Krumlinde) : Drums (2016-present) S. (Simon Olovsson) : Guitars (2017-present)

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Death metal with hardcore vibes from Uppsala since 2021 so a fairly new band. Familiar faces, tho.
The guys in the band not so “new”: Matte Modin (ex Dark Funeral. Firespawn, Raised Fist), Ronnie Nyman (Nightrage, Always War, Enemy Is Us), Gustav Eriksson (ex Mass Worship, Ordos, Always War) och Erik Sjölander (The Mist of Avalon). The first time to see the band live, good opening for the evening!

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