Last band for the most excellent Friday @ Steelfest 2024. Always amazed by how massive sound they produce on stage.
Still struggling a bit with the latest album (getting there) but in general everything they´ve done so far is flawless.
Very impressed by Arto S. for remembering all the lengthy song titles when discussing the band late at night. The songs I know by heart, not the titles, tho. But ofc, I mostly don´t remember peoples names either. The quality of the stuff is more important in both cases xD
Didn´t get any acceptable pictures of Incubus:/ Good thing that Tales From The Frontline is very drummer focused in his videos.


Quotes from an old Vice interview (around the release of  Obscure Verses For The Multiverse):


“So many people justify their beliefs as “true” only to realize that in the end we will not know what the correct path is. Therefore, I choose to continue to use the path of Satan as the symbolic path of the “force that opposes all forces.”


“Before writing the album I thought to myself that beyond the void of blackness and grandeur in our music that I want to transmit with Inquisition, I want to generate harmonics that can elevate the listener to heights of pleasure while entranced by the rituals of melody and rhythm creating for a vicious combination using these harmonics because there you can find the living soul of what makes a riff and song sound good, be it tonal or atonal”


[Live clips BryceTalksMetal GRONNENHELL Tales From The Frontline sarvi Hellsinkiconcerts]




Notes & links:
– Currently signed @ Agonia Records
Shop @ Agonia Records

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At least one of the booked Ukranian bands could show up!


KRODA formed in 2003 as a  studio project but started with live shows  a few years after. Last band on the outdoor stage for  day 2.  Last time they played here was in 2019.  The other Ukranians, Nokturnal Mortum, have been booked at least for the past 2 festivals but again couldn´t get out of the country. Maybe next year?





[Live clips (and materials from) GRONNENHELL Werwolf Drums Werwolf Julio César Solorio Sarvi Tales From The Frontline]




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The second of 3 HORNA sets from different eras/vocalists.

Corvus (Tapsa Kuusela – Korgonthurus, Ymir, ex-Totalselfhatred etc). Another fantastic & strong HORNA experience!
Lights even more shitty than the previous night but whatever, I tried the best I could:)


HORNA W. CORVUS (from E. Metallum)
Vocals (2002-2009)


2002 Musta Surma / Horna (Split) Vocals
2002 Risti ja ruoska (EP) Vocals
2003 Horna / Desolation Triumphalis (Split) Vocals
2003 Tästä alkavat minun vuoteni / Live Invocation (Split) Vocals
2003 Viha ja viikate (EP) Vocals
2004 Black Metal Warfare – Goat Guts over Hengelo (Live album) Vocals
2004 Horna / Woods of Infinity (Split) Vocals
2004 Talismaani (EP) Lyrics (track 3), Vocals
2004 Horna / Behexen (Split) Vocals
2004 Vuohipaimen (EP) Vocals
2005 Vihan vuodet (Split) Vocals (tracks 3, 4, 5, 6)
2005 Goatfucking Gent / Vivicomburium (Split) Vocals
2005 Envaatnags Eflos Solf Esgantaavne Songwriting (track 4), Vocals
2005 Unohdetut kasvot, unohdettu ääni / Un sogno oscuro (Split) Vocals
2005 Horna / Blackdeath (Split) Vocals
2006 Ilman arvoa ja arkkua / Κιναιδος (Legion of Doom) (Split) Vocals
2006 Ääniä yössä Vocals
2007 Horna / Sacrificia Mortuorum (Split) Vocals
2007 Sotahuuto Vocals
2007 Pimeyden hehku (EP) Vocals (lead)
2007 Horna / Peste Noire (Split) Vocals
2009 Sanojesi äärelle Lyrics (track 4), Vocals
2009 Musta kaipuu (Saatanan toinen evankeliumi) (Compilation) Vocals
2009 Horna / Nefarious (Split) Vocals
2009 Vihan tiellä (Live album) Vocals



[Live clips GRONNENHELL TopiKoo Doomed 2 travel Sautherom Mx sarvi]




Notes & links:

– HORNA has been experiencing shitloads of troubles on social medias w. hijacked accounts etc so nothing official to link to for the moment.

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INFERNAL WAR from Poland were booked again this year.
They played at Steelfest in -22 but had to quit after some songs due to reasons. Now they got to play a full set. Great gig!!


[Live clips by GRONNENHELL Desde las Catacumbas sarvi]




Notes & links:

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One of the greatest livebands ever!


[Live clips by GRONNENHELL sarvi Tales From The Frontline]




Notes & links:
Interview from 2019 (around the release of “Algleymi” @ Bardo Methodology

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Been years since I met Eide the last time and the first time I saw him in any other band than the great Aura Noir.
Quite different stuff, this:) ) VBE in short: Formed in 1994, recorded a demo and a full length, split up in -97, picked up the band again in 2006 with plans to make a new album just to split up (again) in 2007 without making any. But ofc…the guys are also busy with lots of other stuff but now they are playing live gigs again.
Glad I got to see them and ofc run into Eide:) Very nice guy.

“The universal consensus is that they are “Avant-garde”, but the nature of that label is in itself a term that already bears the implication of just being ‘miscellaneous’.”


[Live clips by sarvi & GRONNENHELL]




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I´ve seen all the versions of Batushka now?
The original one in Prague 2016, Krysiuk’s band on the Black Rituals tour (w. Belphegor) in 2021 and now Drabikowski´s at Steelfest.
A way more confusing split than the Entombed/Entombed A.D. ever was:/ It´s been ongoing for years but obviously the District Court in Warsaw, 22nd Intellectual Property Division ruled in Drabikowski´s favor a couple of weeks after Steelfest (29 May). So it all should be sorted now?
Anyways, this was a pretty good gig.


Recordings with Drabikowski


Studio albums
Litourgiya (Witching Hour Productions, 2015)
Yekteníya VII (Witching Hour Productions, 2015)


Krzysztof Drabikowski’s Батюшка
Studio albums
Панихида / Panihida (Sphieratz Productions, 2019)
Песнь 1 (Self-released, 2019)


[Live clips by TopiKoo & GRONNENHELL]



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Quebecois black metal since 2009
“You know the story of the two sides of the coin, don’t you? Black metal from Québec is one of these coins. Some say that all bands have the same sound and the same approach, but others are of the opinion that these bands have created a new style under the banner of “métal noir québécois”. Well, maybe it’s no new style, but an unmistakeable identity. Délétère play exactly the style that everybody has in mind when it comes to the francophone Canadian metropolis. Sound cascades like waterfalls take possession of the listener and draw her or him into a nightmarish scenario.”
– Felix 1666, June 21st, 2019 @ Metal Archives (Theovorator: Babelis Testamentum review)
[Live clips by GRONNENHELL, Tales From The Frontline, sarvi]



Notes & links:
Hella (Thornspawn) as the bass player.
RAUTA interview from 2019 @ Steelfest

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Norwegian depressive black metal.
Formed back in -93 but existed even earlier under a couple of different names. Have missed these guys but will do some listening, whatever little there is to find.
They haven´t recorded that much, only the demo & EP in the 90´s and a split with Malfeitor in -07.


“Strid means “Battle” in Norwegian. The band later became noted as a pioneer of depressive black metal, with “End of Life” regarded as the earliest recording of the style.”
– Metal Archives
[Live clips by GRONNENHELL Ireth Sargeist]



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Death from Järvenpää, Finland since 2007
Not bad at all! Would go and see again if possible.
“Abyssal and Harrowing DEATH METAL; a combination of suffocating and crushing DOOM METAL, ghastly ominousness of BLACK METAL and HORROR Movie soundtracks, weaving it all within the style of Rotting early 90s style DEATH METAL, especially in the Finnish tradition….
This is what CORPSESSED are all about, a 5-piece band spawned from putrescent slime in 2007 in Järvenpää/Finland” – Corpsessed Bandcamp


[Live clips by GRONNENHELL, sarvi, Tales From The Frontline, Noncho Savov]



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