Ryo (COFFINS. Very soon to be ex-COFFINS;() with his band GUEVNNA played at a small club in Yokohama and we (me and Ester S.) went there to check things out. GUEVNNA has recorded a split with the French band AGUIRRE and hopefully we´ll see both bands somewhere in Europe during 2014.  Hope somebody books them to Stockholm.   They´re really good! Like Roadburn-good:))



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And so it happened that COFFINS had a small gig outdoors the day after I arrived to Tokyo. So I went there, of course. Probably the last time ever I could see the band with Ryo (vocals), because he´s quitting the band after the Japan tour with NOOTHGRUSH first days in November. Pretty sad I think, but hopefully he can take his other band GUEVNNA on the European roads next year. (Saw them also on this trip (pics HERE) and they´re really good!)
Anyway, enjoyed the day out in Tama Center (the home of HELLO KITTY!;)) and went for some decent kaiten zushi with the guys before leaving the suburbs.



And the other stuff….:))


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Sista bandet på PSOA 2013 och av nån anledning första gången nånsin jag såg VENOM.   Grymt bra avslutning på dom tre fantastiska Tyska dagarna med en allsångsvänlig setlist från helvetet och massor massor med eld!!! Filmade 20 sekunder (?) av Countess Bathory men antar att det e inte värt att lägga upp den här. Hittade bättre klipp:)


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spotifyThe bands van broke on their way to the festival from Berlin. They had to take a cab the last 100 km´s and of course they arrived late and weren´t able to play when supposed. Finally they did show up, got on the stage and just owned the place! One of the top shows at this years P.S.O.A!!! Never seen them live before but now I can´t wait to see them again. I got an opportunity to meet them and get some pics later in the backstage bar. Thanks to my friend Perra K. (D666, NOMINON etc) who wanted some pics for himself:)



Last supper – backstage bar. feat. Perra Karlsson

Lite line-up byten men samma mangel. Nya sättningen gjorde bra ifrån sig men det kändes lite konstigt utan Johan Jansson. Saknade honom på scen (och i backstagebaren!).
LINE UP: Sverker Widgren – vocals / Martin Schulman – bass / Daniel Gustavsson – guitars / Johan Haglund – guitars / Ämir Batar – drums



BÄSTA! Martin S. & Perra Karlsson

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Kom på att jag såg Finska death/doom bandet HOODED MENACE faktiskt en gång tidigare på Club PRKL i Helsingfors när dom spelade med COFFINS (vilka dom också har gjort rn split med). Har bara sumpat att göra iordning bilderna därifrån. Ska fixa!

Line up: Lasse – vocals (studio), guitar / Pekka – drums / Teemu – guitar / Markus – vocals (live), bass


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