SHINING – Party.San 9/8 2013
COFFINS – Party.San, Schlotheim, Germany 9/8 2013
COFFINS from Tokyo showed some Japanese awesomeness!! The latest album “The Fleshland” is the best they ever made so go & get it. Was supposed to get my copy (my bandphoto in it and I haven´t even seen it yet! Only heard it on Spotify:))) while they were in Europe but “unfortunately” they sold it out along with most of the merch they brought. Getting it soon, tho:)
Dr LIVING DEAD! – Party.San, Schlotheim, Germany 9/8 2013
“Dr. Living Dead is the new Thrash/Crossover sensation from Sweden. They have already done a whole tour of Brazil and supported Slayer. The band does know fully well what potential they have and they are not suffering from a lack of self-confidence : “We don’t really care about what people expect from us. We are too busy with reaching up to our own expectations.”
Uppsala representerade på P.S.O.A.! Nästan missade dom /fler bussar från Mühlhausen mitt på dan, tack!!) men hann med åtminstone sista halvan av giget.
Line up: DRxMANIA – Vocals / DRxTOXIC – Guitars / DRxRAD – Bass / DRxDAWN – Drums
GRAVEYARD (ES) – Party.San, Schlotheim, Germany 9/8 2013
Inte Svenskarna, men brutaldöds från Katalonien. Med den äran!
Bastard – Guitars / Gusi – Drums / Julkarn – Bass & Vocals / Mark – Guitars / Fiar – Live vocals
CARPATHIAN FOREST – Party.San, Schlotheim, Germany 8/8 2013
Så, nu har man prickat av ett till band som jag väntat länge på att få se live. Ser dom gärna igen i februari på Blastfest (Bergen)!
Nattefrost – Vocals – Guitar / Vrangsinn – Bass / Anders Kobro – Drums / BloodPervertor – Guitar / Tchort – Guitar
DESTROYER 666 – Party.San, Schlotheim, Germany 8/8 2013
Some pics. Mostly focused on watching the show:)
ALCEST – Party.San, Schlotheim, Germany 8/8 2013
DENIAL OF GOD – Party.San, Schlotheim, Germany 8/8 2013
Band bio: “Denial Of God began in 1991 and is one of the longest existing Danish metal bands of all time. The band was formed by the brothers Ustumallagam (vocals) and Azter (guitar) who both still are a part of the band’s line-up today, 22 years later. Inspired by a diverse number of artists such as Alice Cooper, Venom, Mercyful Fate, Mayhem, Death SS and Hellhammer (to name just a few) as well as horror movies, dark folklore and everything related to the occult and supernatural, it was apparent from day one that this band was going to be walking a sinister musical and lyrical path.”
Ett av dom första banden på årets PSOA. Kom till området precis innan giget och råkade springa på Martin Impaler Jørgensen, som jag kände från eminenta Metal Magic i Danmark. Han hade åkt med bandet och var tydligen livegitarrist på deras gigs. Bra spelning av dom!
Line up: Ustumallagam – vocals / Azter – guitar / Galheim – drums
HELL at The Assembly Rooms, Derby, England ~ Pt. III: The Greatest Crowd On Earth
All these awesome people who came to The Assembly Rooms. Many of my photos can be seen in the bonus DVD booklet (You can get it with “Curse and Chapter“. Includes six songs from the show Derby plus additional material recorded at Bloodstock Open Air.)
From the bonus DVD booklet