Some trv Swedish black metal darkness…also in the photos. So difficult lights.

Most of the time I had a really good view from the balcony, trying to get some videos for the guys. Still got troubles with getting the files out right. Looks ok in the camera, but can´t transfer them to the computor. Have to get back to you on that one. So far I only could upload one song on YouTube (see below). (if you got brilliant ideas how to fix it, let me know:))

Members: Acerbus – Vocals, Guitar, S.W. – Guitar, Nabemih – Drums, Guitar, Arrangements, V.P. – Bass, E.L. – Drums

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It´s always amazing to see bands who party hard all night and then play a great gig quite early the day after. Like Sergeant Salsten & DEATHHAMMER did at Metal Magic:) The pics suck. It was really dark on the stage most of the time. But DEATHHAMMER rules!!


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My guys! VALKYRJA is one great liveband and this time they even played “Ambience…“:)

They were also my travel companions on this trip with the rest of ONDSKAPT and my old friend Adrian (IXXI, Angrepp). Good times on the road and in Denmark. So thanks for having me:) Really dark on the set with lights only in the middle of the stage. Darkness and death. Our most excellent driver didn´t have any lights at all behind the drums. Ok, new pics next time! Did some filming but so far I´ve only uploaded the first VALKYRJA song

. A couple of more will be on YouTube later. Go and buy the album!!!


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“CRYSTAL VIPER – female fronted Traditional Metal band from Poland, founded in 2003 by vocalist & guitarist Marta Gabriel.”
No lack of attitude here:) Somehow Marta reminded me of Suzi Quatro…? Didn´t get any good drummer pics, tho. Sorry about that:( Next time!!



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“Three piece outfit from the deep woods of Sweden that will always do what the hell they please. Featuring members from: Nekrokült, Domination, Decapitate, (ex-) Vomitory and Gehennah.”
Members: Ronnie Ripper – Bass/Lead Vox, Freddie Fister – Drums/Vox, Nick Shitstorm – Guitars/Backing Vox

Once again I had to go abroad to see a Swedish band for the first time:) Great gig by Ronnie & the guys!!

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Wasn´t supposed to make it in time to Fredericia, but I did!


And just because I was so happy about it, I shot lots of pics and now I got this 3 page photo documentary of the HELL gig. Which btw was the best so far!! They played late so it was dark enough and the stage was great. We also got an encore, “Bedtime” (Original song by Race Against Time w. David Halliday, former HELL vocalist who died in -87). Blew ofc some good pics (too dark, too out of focus etc) but I like many of them. I´m sure there´s also some sucky ones which I´m going to dislike & remove tomorrow. (Probably I´m also going to edit this text;)) Too late, too tired now so I just leave it for now:)

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No sleep ´til HELLsinki.


Wasn´t that sure if I was going to make it to Finland at all, but after the gig in Stockholm friday night, I stayed in the city, jumped on the first bus to the airport in the morning (3.45AM. Gaahhh) and just took off. Slept a few hours at my brother´s house and went to the club quite early. We had a few beers and waited for the Japanese guys to show up.


It was really happy to meet them again (ohh Ryooooo!!!) so the trip was worth all the pain and misery;) The gig was GREAT!! The crowd didn´t want to let them off the stage so after many extra songs they also played a couple of brand new ones from the upcoming album. The PRKL Club stage was small and very dark (I always say that? But it´s always true.), I didn´t bring my flash and I only stayed at one side of the stage. I also got some crappy vids and realized once more that it´s not a great idea to stay too close to the speakers when filming. Still I love the clips:)


Many thanks to the nice staff at PRKL Club and to my brother Jarmo and his gf Niina for having me!!
Hope it´s not going to take some 20 years again…;) Hoping to catch up with COFFINS in Tokyo later this year and heard there´s already plans for gathering some great bands in october:D


» Some misc. pics


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Survived one more cruise:) I hate the Fin-Swe boats in general but I love the metalcruises. Thanks to the good people @ Sweden Rock Magazine for always having me: And feeding me. And giving me something to drink:) Anyway, some pics to begin with. Mostly on people I know, love & admire. Some random fun people made it also in the gallery. All the live pics will be uploaded later.

Some pics on my FB page if you want to tag yourself;)

The bands and the running order:

Thursday 29/3:
21:30 Krux
22:45 Blind Guardian
00:45 Marduk
02:00 Sodom

Friday 30/3:
12:45 Enforcer
14:00 Nocturnal Rites
15:30 H.E.A.T

Never been that familiar with this band but it was great FUN! I really liked the show and wouldn´t mind to see them again. They started up in the early 90´s and the current line-up is as follows: Jonny Lindkvist, Fredrik Mannberg, Nils Eriksson, Owe Lingvall & Christoffer Rörland


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