Loved the ENFORCER show!! And I´m going to see them at least once more this year at Muskelrock! Can´t wait for that one in general. Will be a great weekend with friends and lots of really cool bands!:)
Current line-up (E.M.): Olof “Enforcer” Wikstrand Guitars, Vocals. Jonas Wikstrand Drums (2006-present), Joseph Tholl Guitars, Tobias Lindqvist Bass


>>MORE (live clips etc)

This was a very special event for me!! At last I got to see my friend Akira´s band SOLITUDE live on stage and also meet his bandmates. Takuro & Mats from Spiritual Beast were there also. Really nice to see them!:) The venue was kinda small but omfg how great the sound was! Perfection!! And so was the SOLITUDE gig! 90-something minutes and not one dull second. The guys were fantastic and so much fun to watch:) The bass player Toru had hurt his leg and was really in pain, but he played the long set like it was nothing. A true Metal hero!!:) And Akira…oh wow, he´s an amazing frontman. He used to do the vocals in SACRIFICE (Jap) and at some point they played the intro to “Friday Nightmare”. Everybody went crazy:) So happy I got the opportunity to be there. And I´d be even happier if they could put together an European tour soon!! The latest CD is released in Europe by Fastball so go & check it out! Of course I took lots of pics and almost every one of them are in the gallery;) Missed the band thanking the audience, because my memorycard was full…haha:)

  SOLITUDE Line-up:Akira Sugiuchi (ex-SACRIFICE) – Vocals .. Shingo Ida – Guitar .. Toru Nishida (ex-SACRIFICE) – Bass .. Takamasa “MAD” Ohuchi – Drums

» AUTO-MOD (Gallery)

Some links for you:
SOLITUDE web / SOLITUDE on Facebook / SOLITUDE on Myspace / SOLITUDE on Spotify / SPIRITUAL BEAST (Akira´s record company) / Takamasa “Mad” Ohuchi
Gig report @ {in japanese, but I´m in it!!;))]


Did a promo shoot for SOLITUDE [Photo courtesy: Shinya Katsura, BEEAST mag,]


I´ve wanted to see COFFINS for I don´t know how long!!
I had already decided to go and see some other bands this evening but when I saw that COFFINS had a gig at the Death Fest, I changed the plans, mailed the band & organizer if I could come over and take some photos.
Everything worked out fine and later on the band asked me also to take some promo pics (which will follow shortly). Of course I agreed:)
Had a great time with the guys and the gig was SICK!!:)) Total mayhem in a really small venue (Koiwa Bush Bash). Loved it!! Real brutal underground! The line up has changed some and right now it´s a 4 piece. Bungo Uchino on guitar, Koreeda on bass, the used-to-be drummer Ryo in vocals and the new guy Satoshi on drums. Got some cd:s and a t-shirt as a present and I even bought the first album on vinyl and got it signed. The photos are…ehmm…also real underground;))

Some links:


A pic from the photo session:


>>MORE (live clips etc)

My first extreme metal festival in Japan!! There were quite a many interesting gigs this evening in Tokyo, and I´d already more or less decided to go and see Takeuchi Toshiro in GENOCIDE NIPPON at Rockmaykan (Meguro Rokumeikan) and also meet up with some friends. Why I ended up in Koiwa instead, was because COFFINS were playing at Koiwa Bush Bash!! Anyway, saw a few more bands, met some really nice people and had a great time! Missed the Malaysian band HUMILIATION because I had to leave after the COFFINS gig. I promised to go to Asakusa Extreme (another underground metal festival) the following tuesday to see them and some others I met…but that didn´t work out either. So…now I have to go to Kuala Lumpur! Syaari (guitars in HUMILIATION) hates me forever and he promised to poison my brownies when I come over (yepp, the guy has a bakery in KL;))
Have to thank Yutaka (Bloodbath Records and organizer of Koiwa Death Fest) and of course COFFINS so much for having me as a guest at this event!! We´ll meet again, I´m sure:) Got also some misc. pics HERE.

»Koiwa Death Fest
»Bloodbath Records
»Koiwa Bush Bash

GALLERIES: 200% / Supravital Militancy / Albiorix Requiem / Go-Zen /