Caliber 666 @ Tantogården 26/9 2008
The reunion of one of the 90´s deathbands, DESULTORY! Also great performances of CALIBER 666 and GODPHOBIA. CALIBER 666 were hosting the whole thing, so I better start up with them…
The other pics will be up soon enough, but now I´m off to shoot a band;)
[Later edit: Live clips from a gig in Södertälje about a year later]
Valkyrja + SpearHead + Vörgus + Impiety – Tanto 24/9 2008
Yesterday at Tantogården… (Thanks Adrian for inviting me!;)
Vörgus I already knew, but the rest of the bands were new acquaintances. I think most of the pics are in the albums now…
»VALKYRJA / »VÖRGUS / »IMPIETY / »SPEARHEADFirst concert for me for a while, but now there will be quite a lot of them. I have to buy me that headlamp I planned…
Fun with Sonic Syndicate – Bengans etc 21/9 2008
Sonic Syndicate are in town…yesterday they were at Harry B. James, today they had a signingsession@Bengans in Stockholm and after that we went to Pizza Hut. Except Roger who took the train to Leksand. Next saturday (?) Sonic start touring with In Flames and will be on the road for 5 weeks.
Me and my new flash aren´t really friends yet…I´ll take on the manual any day now…
I really don´t like Harry B. for several reasons, but I will go back there soon enough. Some bands I like to see/hear will be there the 28:th. The good news are that Club Distortion are coming up with some really good stuff!! So I´m going to be quite a lot at Tantogården & the Anchor. Hope I´ll soon come to terms with the flash. I´m going to need it at the Anchorgigs;)
The new M.M.I. (man.machine.industry) album is here!!
Here´s the coverart (we had a photoshoot for a while ago):
You got all the 6 tracks for free download at the M.M.I. MySpace:
No Distortion
Wanted to see Sanctrum & Feared yesterday at Club Distortion, but there´s a busdriver strike going on in Stockholm, so I couldn´t go. I need the nightbus to get home.
So, no fun for me:( Hope you guys had a good time.
man.machine.industry June 2008
Photoshoot in the studio with J.B., Nail & DNA.
I hardly ever use the white background so it was quite nice. We did some dark ones, too.
But sometimes (read always) i really wish that there were a bit more space in the studio.
Photoshoot-The Movie. And I only said it ONCE;))
Nifelheim is the shit!! A few of the coolest and probably the most fun hours I will ever spend in the studio.
Lots and lots of gear, including a small coffin, a homemade spiderweb maker (a BRILLIANT invention by Hellbutcher!!) a black plastic bag containing 3 rotten goatheads and all that heavy, spiky stuff the band wear at concerts. Wonder what can be worst…a couple of hours on stage or half a day in a photostudio with all that weight. I´m still very proud of my work that day…and of course for them choosing me as their photographer. They actually booked med almost a year in advance to make sure I´d be available :D
SPAZMOSITY 2008 [The Works]
Photoshoot with Spazmosity, a blackmetal band from Stockholm. There were blood…lots of it EVERYWHERE!
We tried to keep it clean on the studio floor in the beginning, but after a couple of hours we had to give up. Simply too much of the stuff…Luckily it was quite easy to clean the floors when we were finished. And the guys did their part, of course. Fun day;)
[Promo shoot 2008 + album pics for “Welcome Death” CD 2010. Studio. Sthlm]
All photos Copyright (C) Soile Siirtola – Not to be used without permission.WELCOME DEATH
Full-length CD Release date: February 2nd, 2010
Khaosmaster ProductionsM. Lamming Guitars
Björn Thelberg Guitars
Mikael Nordström Bass
Dimman Drums
Peter Emanuelsson Vocals, Lyrics
Here´s some of the non-bloody pictures:
…and some bloody ones:
…the guys:
…and a “poster”. My favourite pic on Emanuelsson;):