Alltid fantastiska AURA NOIR!!! Alltid alldeles för länge mellan tillfällen att se dom. Filmade Condor men ljudet suger på sina ställen så om jag inte kan fixa det, så laddar jag inte upp den heller.
The crowd started to get their armbands a bit too late so when WOLAND started to play, most of the people were still in line back at the Black Heart. We got the fast lane for press/photo but I still missed a couple of songs in the beginning. Great show, tho!!!! They were really good! The lights didn´t work with me that well but that´s my standard complain:)
AURA NOIR never fail. Never ever. They´re always great and I love them to death. Oh and me and Ester were the only ones with the permission to shoot anytime, all the time! Love Håkon & the guys at Electric Ballroom!
Incineration Fest 2015 in conclusion: Cons: They were too late to start handing out the wristbands. Lots of people were still in line waiting to get theirs when the bands already started to play.
Quite many overlapping gigs:/ They were throwing out everyone from backstage about 10 minutes after the last band played. So the last band had about 10 minutes to get the fuck out of there.
The shuttles were supposed to pick the bands up right after but IRL they were standing outside the venues at least a couple of hours. I was waiting with the Swedes and ImpNaz for 1½ hours then I got tired of it and went to the afterparty. Passed by Electric Ballroom and the situation was the same. All the bands sitting outside waiting…
Not many of the bandmembers (if any?) showed up at the Dev and later I heard that the shuttles finally arrived and drove the bands to the hotel. Which was very close to the airport way out of town. So no afterparties xD Pros: Great gigs & people & security, the best guy Håkon. Had so much fun!!! xD
The line up was really something at this festival:) What can I say…
AURA NOIR: Aggressor / Apollyon / Blasphemer + live drummer Kristian Valbo.
The one and only AURA NOIR!! “The Merciless” is one of my top 5 albums ever! Has been since the day it was released. Or even before that…got the promo some weeks before the release. I´m having high hopes for the next album!!
Thanks to Jarne (and the rest of the staff) and loads of old & new friends. Some which I meet at the same place every year:) Awesome, awesome line up and shows!! The cheap beer and the late night waffles…the fantastic atmosphere I always start missing it all before it even has ended.
So many highlights!! Big thanks to Bert/Metalshots and Sunve/Sunvemetal for letting me use some of their pictures:) See you next year!!!
AURA NOIR @ Garage!! They kill every time and I can´t wait to see them again. Hopefully at some of the summer festivals. And some guy behind me tried to kill me during “Condor”. The mf tried to snatch my spot in the front. Still, he turned out to be a nice guy after all. Just very drunk:))
Har bara en pytteliten (klippt & rätt sugig) bild på bästa Agressor på plattan men likaväl är jag med i creds /tacklista med en massa legender som Gylve Fenriz, Håkon G., Costin C., Neseblod Rec. osv.
Massa roligheter att hitta i texterna till omslaget. Sponsordelen var nog insider humor men kul ändå xD
AURA NOIR är högt upp på min lista av världens bästa band så stor grej i vilket fall. Nånstans i samma veva pratade jag och Ole Jørgen / Apollyon lite löst om ev bandfoto, men det fanns inga resurser för dylikt. Även fast vi hade en del innovativa lösningar till att göra det så snålekonomiskt som möjligt. Bla gratis IKEA bussar nämndes och även samma bolags 5 kronors korvar. Men nä, ingen tur till Norge för mig.
Plattan givetvis grym som alla Aura plattor och fick en hemskickad så smått.
Agressorbilden är tagen på Getaway 2011 i Gävle. Addar några bilder från det giget & resten är HÄR.
Jorde & Apollyon. Backstage.
Full-length. Release date: March 23rd 2012. Label: Indie Recordings