The last live gig with Nox. The next one (in July at Metal Theatre Festival in Kalmar) will be fronted by Mannevond (Koldbrann etc) who also will appear on the next CRAFT album. While Nox has his reasons to step back, he will still be a part of the band and involved in whatever they will be up to.
Yep, I´m a bit sad still:)
But it was great to see the gig and because they never made a bad song, there were only hits on the setlist xD
Hot and sunny ofc.


“The rawness of Nox vocal delievery has been essential to the sound of Craft since our inception and we would truly not be the band that we are without him. We want to make it very clear that Nox is still a part of Craft. It is however important for us to keep bringing forth new material and especially performing it live, and for now – this simply does not fit with Nox’s other commitments. Nox will be a part of the new album, however not as lead singer.” –  statement from the band earlier this year



Notes & links:

– The very first live gig in Stockholm September 2014
More CRAFT @
– Flyer borrowed from Steelfest
– CRAFT merch @


CRAFT ALBUMS W. NOX @ Bandcamp. Flawless, every each one of them!



>>MORE (live clips etc)

Nu hamnade jag inte i GBG specifikt för CRAFT men dom var helt klart ett stort bonus! Black Mass blev ju flyttad till våren, CRAFT kunde inte vara med på den lineupen och jag satt på tågbiljetter jag inte kunde ändra på. Så en minibreak och våldsgästande hos Daniel Framednoise & fam kändes som en bra nog ide. Blev en lysande helg och en GRYM kväll på Sticky!
Tack till banden och Aeternum Concerts/333 Company.

>>MORE (live clips etc)

Grym setlist med bara löjligt bra låtar. Fast med CRAFT så kan man nog inte gå fel även om man slumpade fram låtar. Tjock dimma på scen som sig bör på Debaser Strand. Gillar rök men med en annan typ av belysning blir det lite struktur i det hela. På Strand är det alltid bara en tjock dimmig matta över allting. Men man får ju ta det som det kommer som vanligt. En gammal bekant, Tobias J. (Neuronaut, ex-Diabolical osv), har börjat hoppa in som livegitarrist och gjorde faktiskt jävligt bra ifrån sig.
Tårtkalas innan gigsen (Michaela fyllde år!). Inte en droppe kaffe i huset. Nån snodde björnbäret #neverforget. Slut på meddelanden.
» Setlist på Youtube (överjävligt bra!)
[Liveklipp: eriks klipp & david]

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Masters of misantrophy. I wouldn´t mind to see them more often. Uruz (drums) announced him leaving the band after Maryland Deathfest and handed over the drums to Trish (Djevelkult) for the last song “I Want To Commit Murder”. She did great!!:D No pics but a video clip I found.
Members: Nox (vocals), John (lead guitar), Joakim (guitar and random noise), Alex (bass).

>>MORE (live clips etc)

The mighty CRAFT live for the first time ever! Sold out (ofc) and there were many people in the crowd who travelled from all over Europe to be at the event.
Some technical fuckups but the band itself delivered! Awesome gig and a great setlist! The line up: Nox (vocals), John (lead guitar), Joakim (guitar and random noise), + session members. Some cool session members for sure. David from KONGH and Uruz from URGEHAL in drums.
