“Dr. Living Dead is the new Thrash/Crossover sensation from Sweden. They have already done a whole tour of Brazil and supported Slayer. The band does know fully well what potential they have and they are not suffering from a lack of self-confidence : “We don’t really care about what people expect from us. We are too busy with reaching up to our own expectations.”
Uppsala representerade på P.S.O.A.! Nästan missade dom /fler bussar från Mühlhausen mitt på dan, tack!!) men hann med åtminstone sista halvan av giget.
Line up: DRxMANIA – Vocals / DRxTOXIC – Guitars / DRxRAD – Bass / DRxDAWN – Drums


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The main attraction for the evening which was all about Dr. LIVINGDEAD having a releaseparty for their self titled debut album.

A bunch of crazy mf:s all over the place (on and in front of the stage) so I found it  safest  to stay in the egde of the stage and not move about that much. Right in front of it wasn´t an option:) Total mayhem and chaos and crazy fun!!



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