This was it!!! Waited for them for such a long time and it was all that and a bit more! Awesome to have these guys from Prague here in Stockholm and at the new and improved En Arena. Great sounds and an awesome performance.
Infernal Vlad played barefoot. Just kept on thinking how much of the reveal mirror glass fragments still were on the stage…but he seemed to be fine. Had time for some nice chats with the guys also (met Infernal Vlad & Devilish once before at Blekkmetal in Bergen last November. They were performing with the C.L.A.S.P. Ritual).
Next stop Prague Death Mass III and 20:11.
E.S. [Insta by me]REVEAL are back for sure!!! Freaking beautiful intense show! Ester S. volunteered us both to take down the smashed mirrors after the show, so we spent some time on the stage trying not to slash our veins.We also got some pieces of left over fence from the security guys and built ourselves a photo pit.
It kinda worked but at some point the mid part of it had moved closer and closer to the stage and E.S. got trapped in the other end for the rest of the show xD We didn´t want to disturb the front row crowd, tho, and made the adjustments after.The brand new “Cadmium” single (7″ vinyl Limited to 300 copies) was for sale at the venue. B side is a Saints cover:))
Smockat på En Arena. Vilket btw har blivit ännu mera ombyggt under sommaren! Scenen är flyttad och ljudet är fantastiskt!! Och det är inte ens helt färdigt ännu. Så vad ni en tror/minns om stället så stämmer det inte om ni inte varit där på ett tag! Jag har ju iofs trivts bra där ändå dom senaste åren pga Adde och Luciferian Society som har arrat en hel del superbra gigs.
Switchblade visste jag att skulle göra bra ifrån sig. Ett av favoritbanden utanför extremmetallen och dom spelar inte för ofta här i krokarna. Definitivt bästa valet som andra band för den här kvällen! När det kom till Sunn O))) hade jag rensat bort alla förutbestämda ideer (vilka jag eg inte ens hade. Definitvt ingen expert på bandet ifråga) och förväntningar om hur det ev kunde bli, vad som skulle hända och framförallt vad jag skulle tycka om det. Så…kvällen blev helt super från början tills jag var tvungen att dra lite i förtid. Svårare att ta sig till landet på vardagkvällar:/ I vilket fall min Sunn O))) experience var svår att beskriva och överväldigande. Önskar att det fanns en bra recension från kvällen men har inte sett nån så googla så hittar ni lite blandad kompott som kan beskriva känslan. Och missa inte nästa tillfälle! Har ett gäng bilder på Switchblade men typ inget vettigt på Sunn O))) Såg tidigare en del av bandets önskemål ang foto och höll mig till det även fast jag aldrig skrev på nått. Så några få bilder från mixerbordet 45 min in i spelningen. Och då var man ju redan inne i nånslags konstig alternativ värld så dög ingenting till ändå:)
Finally MGLA live!!! I was about to go to Romania in February just to see them at a couple of shows. Well, PROCESSION were also playing so extra interested to go. But then I fucked up my finances by making a last minute decision to go to Blekkmetal in Bergen in November. Which I don´t regret, quite the opposite, but can´t have it all. Unfortunately:/ But Black Harvest came to the rescue and made this awesomeness to happen. Maybe not the most perfect sound which these guys should have deserved, but still such a great experience! The venue is still under development so hopefully they will give some thought to the acoustics? Anyways, I´m looking forward to see them again at PartySan.
(Mgla means fog in Polish)
DEGIAL!!!! Pure Uppsala Metal of Death!! These guys are just GREAT and it´s been far too long since the last time (P.S.O.A 2015)!! The 27th of this month they will kick off the “Savage Mutiny Across Europe” tour together with VORUM. Check the tour dates on the bands Facebook page! Set (Teitan) joined them on stage (also guest vocals on the latest album) and lots of folks from other Uppsala bands were present of course:).
Got a gift from the guys! The latest CD is a KILLER!!!!
Savage Mutiny
released December 25, 2015
Music and lyrics by Degial, except “Pallor” lyrics by P. Åhman.
Guitar solo on “Revenants” & guest vocal on “Savage Mutiny” and “Revenants”: Set Teitan (Dissection/Watain)
Lyric contribution: Pelle Åhman (In Solitude/Invidious)
Recording and mixing: Gottfrid Åhman (In Solitude/Invidious/Degial)
Mastering: Patrick W. Engel (Temple of Disharmony)
Artwork/Layout: Erik Danielsson (Trident Arts/Watain)
My long lost friends are back! Black Harvest (ex-Püssy A Go Go crew) hosting this great event.
First band on stage: VORUM presenting Death, Madness and Depraved visions from Åland islands. Such a kick ass gig!!! The vocalist is also the bass player in DEGIAL so no time to be lazy. The 27th this month the both bands start their “Savage Mutiny Across Europe” tour in Copenhagen. Check the tour dates on the bands Facebook page! Line up: John Finne Bass, Mikko Josefsson Drums, Matti Jalava Guitars, Jonatan Johansson Guitars, Vocals
This is how to do it! Freaking intense!! Heljarmaðr letting go of the guitar and just go berserk all over the stage. Grim Vindkall (DOMGÅRD etc, live bass) and M (SPAZMOSITY, live guitar) are such perfect additions to the band, so now we got a proper display of what an awesome band GRÀ really is! Although Heljarmaðr is keeping busy as the vocalist in DARK FUNERAL, these guys should really go for a proper tour. Soon! Book them!! Hangman´s nooses for everyone!!!;)) The crowd were also everything you could wish for, so it was really THE Grande Finale for this fantastic event. Thanks to all the bands, Adrian @ LS and the Myrkheimr´s!
Tried to collect the setlist on Spotify but didn´t find “Klagan och längtan”. So I smoothly replaced it with “Farväl”, my all time favourite;) Works for me. You find it somewhere below. Members: Heljarmaðr – vocals and strings Dimman – drums Maugrim – strings Grim Vindkall – session bass M – session guitar
Lyrical themes: “The dark aspects of ancient Scandinavian spirituality”
I love IXXI. They always had great performances when I´ve seen them live and this time was no exeption.
The frontman, Outlaw also runs Luciferian Society and was responsible for this fantastic evening with five so specific and different bands with their own kind of great qualities. Often that many bands are at least a couple too many, but not this time. It was interesting from beginning to the very end. Also the best metal DJ´s in town were there so it was perfect even in between the live performances. Good stuff only when they hit the decks! Hail Myrkheimr´s!!:)) One of the happy nights for sure!:))
I thought they were great the first time I saw them at the small Uppsala festival a couple of years ago but now they were amazing!
Can´t wait to see them at Mörkaste Småland in September!! Also they co-operate with the great Nebiros (MALIGN, ex-OFERMOD), one of the greatest bm voices on this planet.