Long time friends CRUCIFYRE also played at the UNDER THE CHURCH releaseparty. Always a great show!:)) Kalle Envall (The Curse, ex-Kaamos) did a great job as the guest vocalist.
CRUCIFYRE: Erik Sahlström – Vocals TG – Guitars Patrick Nilsson – Guitars Cristián Canales – Bass Yasin Hillborg – Drums

[Live clips Andres Bize & NL]


»Some snapshots (GALLERY)

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underthechurchGreat first gig with UNDER THE CHURCH And a great party in general:)) Lots of friends there and nice people I haven´t seen for awhile. I love the venue but it´s been ages since I went there the last time. Not so many metal gigs at 44:an these days:/

The album is awesome so go and get your copy at Pulverised: http://pulverised.bandcamp.com/album/rabid-armageddon. Also here: http://pulverised.bigcartel.com/ .
And because it´s proper oldschool, you can also get it on tape: http://hexedcemetery.eu/hexed-cemetery-releases-/262-under-the-church-rabid-armageddon-tape.html

UNDER THE CHURCH (Edsbyn Sweden/ Reykjavik Iceland) are:
Lars Henriksson Bass (ex- Nirvana 2002)
Erik Qvick Drums, Guitars (ex- Nirvana 2002)
Mik Annetts Vocals (ex- Hostile, ex-Odinn, ex- Bastard)
Live musicians:
Marcus Klack Guitars (Trash Amigos, ex- Morbid)
Erik Wallin Guitars (Merciless, Trash Amigos, Death Breath (live), ex- Nirvana 2002 (live), ex- Harms Way)

Had some great talks with Erik (the drummer, lives in Iceland) about Iceland, elves and picknicks at Dimmuborgir. I´ve been to Iceland once and always wanted to go back and now it seems I will end up there next year. For the elves, Dimmuborgir and some METAL!:))



»Some snapshots (MORE PICTURES)

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A bunch of young guys from the southern parts of Sweden playing old school death metal. With Gabriel Dobos (the next Chris Reifert?) on drums & vocals.

The rest of the band: Bass – Noel Wieser,   Guitar – Kristoffer Sjöström,  Guitar – Olle Rundkvist. Kafé 44 is not the great venue for metal it used to be, the sound was miserable from time to time, but the gig was still very good and the crowd went nuts. So  it was great fun:) Also, while visiting Stockholm, the band went to Sunlight studios to record a two-song demo.



Hann med CRUCIFYRE spelningen också innan jag fick dra vidare mot Nalen. Om ni inte har hört plattan ännu så är det dags nu!! Skitbra!! Lite surt var det att missa MÖRBIT med alla coola (Erik Wallin, Peter Stjärnvind, Erik Danielsson, Erik Gustavsson, David Blomqvist) på scenen, men vad ska man göra. Hade nog velat ha dom bilderna…tog ett par på Pelle iaf:)


Lite MÖRBIT videos att titta på: »Indysatan »Demonia Webblogg

Vårens event på 44:an när det var releaseparty för MORBID “Year of the Goat” och jag hade räknat med att inte hinna dit alls pga ett annat gig som var inbokad (ställa in var inget alternativ) sen länge. Men det visade sig att jag hann åtminstone en liten repa i all hast. Var lite sen vid ankomsten så såg inte hela giget med TYRANT, men hann med några pics.
[Live: Mattias Indy Pettersson]

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Koncentrerat awesomeness på 44:an när videon för “Ravenous” skulle filmas. Att DEMONICAL är fantastiska vet väl alla, men om ni inte hört talas om Costin Chioreanu och Twilight13 Media, kolla upp hans portfolio. Han hade med sig fotografen Valeriu Catalineanu som assistent. Hade skittrevligt med allihopa och tog givetvis lite bilder också.


L I N K S:
DEMONICAL: www.demonical.net
Costin: twilight13media.com
Valeriu: www.ouroborusstudio.ro
DEMONICAL “Ravenous” videoshoot April 2011

>>MORE (live clips etc)

Helgens kväll nr 2 var på Kafé 44 på Fred Estbys & NECRONAUTs releaseparty. Var lite trött och off efter fredagen så det blev inte så mycket bilder på folk fast det var en massa roliga på plats. Men några blev det i vilket fall.

Plattan har ju mängder med creddiga gästartister och flera av dom medverkade på partyt också. Reifert kunde väl också ha kommit förbi tycker jag;)) Definitivt en av dom där bra kvällarna! !
Gillar 44an och saknar lite förra hösten när det var en ruskig massa grymma spelningar där.  Lite öl i baren så är det den mysigaste platsen i världen.
[Edit senare: Några liveklipp från Sweden Rock 2011]


»Folk & tracklist på plattan:

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darkcreed7The last band at RIFS was Bombs of Hades (love the name. So cool!!:) from Västerås. Didn´t do my homework, so many of the bands playing this weekend, were bands I didn´t know so much about so I thought it could be  quite exciting. And it turned out to be  better I ever imagined.  The whole idea having this festival was based on the release of a (limited) compilation vinyl called Resurrected In Festering Slime.  Most of the bands on the compilation also played on this festival. BIG thanks to  Andrés (Darkcreed), Sophie and Peter who made this great event happen!!  Andrés also jumped in for one song with Bombs of Hades (Jaws of Satan) I had a great time and I do hope this wasn´t the last time I saw these great bands. And I sure hope I get the chance to see those two bands I missed…Feral and Morbus Chron….someday soon!!!



My good, and most respected,  friend Erik Tormentor has been rehearsing with this band Crucifyre for awhile, but I never heard one track and I don´t think they´ve ever played live before (correct?). I really didn´t know what to expect, but I really enjoyed the stuff very much. Pondus & stjärnglans!!
Fuck you! Hail Satan! (send up that track on MySpace, will you??!!;)).

