“Pioneers in Swedish pagan metal and 2025 marks 30 years for the band. On this very special occasion the band will perform prolonged set with songs from their entire career.”


Fullt upp med saker just nu så det var nära att jag inte åkte in alls, men blev “lätt” övertalad xD Men glad att jag gjorde. Väldigt trevlig spelning! Och Kaamos-Kalle lirade bas!
Ser dock ut att jag får skippa en del riktigt bra events under den kommande våren:/
Setlist från  setlist.fm
[Live clips av Let them eat Metal!]


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» Mera THYRFING på extremmetal.se

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Five bands so an early start. And as always, I arrived a couple of hours before doors opened so quite a long evening. A fantastic one, tho.


VOODUS, great as always (love the new single and the upcoming album “Emanating Sparks” is planned for release in early 2024). Guest vocalist Simon W. from VALKYRJA.


MALAKHIM being the only band I never saw before so didn´t know what to expect. Had heard good things from my friends, tho, and the Umeå bunch delivered big time! Hopefully I´ll get to see them again some day.


Only seen MORTUUS once for many years ago and got such high hopes. Still one of the greats to see live (Vlad from VALKYRJA on bass). Latest album “Diablerie” was released in -22. » MORTUUS Setlist


MEPHORASH performance was the best I´ve seen so far with the guys. They played the whole new album (with live choir) from first to last song.
From the event page: “In celebration of Mephorash’s long-awaited fifth release KRYSTL-AH, the band invites you to join a very special ceremony. The band will perform its new opus to usher in a new era of Mephorash with new aesthetic and new rituals. Each song on the upcoming album is recorded with a full choir, and the same choir will perform the album live at Slaktkyrkan on November 18th.” Sadly no picures of the choir but they deserve a special mention because they truly heightened the experience.


TAAKE awesome as always! Guest appearance by Pehr and Niklas from ALFAHANNE. One of the bands I could never get tired of seeing live.
Overall a super event. So far no luck finding live clips of all the bands but Eriks klipp uploaded at least a couple.


Huge thanks to all the bands and Adde / Luciferian Society for this one!:))



Luciferian Society

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I´ve seen these guys many times (latest was just a week or so ago in Finland) and they have always been great. Still, they can take it up a notch every now and then and this gig was for sure one of those with extra everything. Crazy & sweaty kick ass show!!:D

“DESTRÖYER 666 continue to do what they are best at: kicking ass and hammering out heavy metal that is slamming straight into the face. No compromise, no sell out, no bullshit!” – Season of Mist

Luciferian Society

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“Lucifer’s Child is an unholy creation of George Emmanuel (Rotting Christ, ex-Chaostar) and Stathis Ridis (Nightfall) based in Athens, Greece, formed in 2013. The band’s music serves a spiritual introduction to the atmospheric world of Black Metal. Pulsating the energy of ritualistic lyrics and the horrifying electrism of black music, Lucifer’s Child create a unity between the sound and the spiritual idea that each creation serves to the listeners” – Band bio

Killer performance!! First time ever I saw LUCIFER´S CHILD live but had some high expectations and this band is really good! Met George the last time when he was still in Rotting Christ, so it was fun to catch up a bit. He´s keeping busy with the band and the recording studio. Hope it doesn´t take too long until next time.

Luciferian Society

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“NERVOCHAOS was born on the fall of 1996, with the idea of creating aggressive and chaotic music. NERVOCHAOS gained cult status in the extreme music scene due to their hard work over the past years, offering a sonic extravaganza in their unique way”Band bio
Brazilian guys first out this evening. A new band for me.

Luciferian Society

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Mitt 15e MARDUK gig och ett av dom bästa.

Såg mesta giget uppe på ena scenkanten med lite bra folk och bara uppskattade manglet. Ser redan framemot att se dom igen på Steelfest i maj!!

Den Finska festen är för övrigt ett av det bästa som existerar just nu i den här överkänsliga världen så inte för sent ännu att bestämma sig för den:) En bra chans att komma undan all bullshit en stund.


Luciferian Society

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Kapten Olsson som inlånad gitarrist igen när den ordinarie Titan är på sjukledighet. Givetvis iförd i samma tröja som specialsunkades för honom i GBG förra året xD

Kaptenen (från Angrepp) är nära släkt med IXXI, så funkar svinbra med honom men Titan borde va tillbaks till GBG giget i slutet av maj!!
Bra spelning som fan.

Luciferian Society

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“Sorcery was formed during the summer of 1986 and was influenced early on by the harder part of the hard rock spectrum. On the first demo from 1987 there are clear thrash influences but on the next release from 1988 the band has changed focus to what was to become known as Swedish death metal, something that the third demo from 1989 is an even clearer proof of.” – Band bio

Band: Paul Johansson Guitars Ola Malmström Vocals Johan Vikholm Guitars (lead) Tommy Holmer Drums Pär Sving Bass

Luciferian Society



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