Kryptan is an atmospheric black metal band from Avesta, Sweden. Founded in early 2020, right at the beginning of the global pandemic, Kryptan took shape to embody the passion for black metal that songwriter and guitarist Mattias “Kryptan” Norrman harboured for decades.
A familiar face in the scene, Mattias, who is most recognized for playing guitar in October Tide and previously bass in Katatonia, has long striven for his very own musical endeavour.”
– Band bio

Helt nytt band för mig. Bra live, ska lyssna in lite bättre.
Bandet: Mattias Norrman – Guitars, Bass, Synth Alexander Högbom – Vocals
Luciferian Society

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THYRFING spelade hela senaste plattan ”VANAGANDR” plus lite annat smått & gott:) Hann inte smaka på ölen men enligt dom bättre begåvade i den svängen så var den tydligen rätt god.
Plattan (om ni inte har redan hört) finns att lyssna på nedanför (Black Metal Promotion).
Luciferian Society

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Fick Googla lite och hittade denna snutt i bandbion
“Sweden’s vikings of Grimner give a unique mixture of folk and metal, incorporating catchy melodies, folk instruments and heavy riffs into their own, yet aggressive metal”
Missade en del av giget pga anledningar men hann med lite iaf. Folk hade skoj verkade det som:)

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