HORNA from Finland. No bullshit!
“Through-out the years the lyrics of Horna ventured from harsh anti-christian hatred, paganism and fairytales to severe exaltations of the occult, the mysteries of the dark side of mankind and Satanism – from youthful outbursts of anger to ever more maturing inner enlightenment.”
Members: Shatraug, Spellgoth, LRH, Infection, Hex Inferi



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I´ve lost count of how many times I´ve seen DEMONICAL live. And hopefully I will see them many many times more. One should never take great Swedish quality live metal for granted which we spoiled brats in Stockholm sometimes do xD
All hail and all support! And more metal to the masses!:D

Death Metal Darkness with Sverker Widgren – vocals | Martin Schulman – bass | Johan Haglund – rhythm guitars | Eki Kumpulainen – session lead guitars | Kennet Englund – session drums


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“We want to have the attitude from rock’n roll and have some influences in our music. It makes for a great show. We also wanted to incorporate black metal as many of us likes that. So we took the visuals from it and a big dose of the music. That raw, take-no-prisoner, viscous visage. This is not by any means new, but we wanted to have atmosphere in it. We wanted to have soundscapes from ambient music. Also, we wanted to stay true to our northern heritage, so folk influences was a given.”
– WORMWOOD – The Old Story –


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ixxiThis is how to do it! Freaking intense!! Heljarmaðr letting go of the guitar and just go berserk all over the stage. Grim Vindkall (DOMGÅRD etc, live bass) and M (SPAZMOSITY, live guitar) are such perfect additions to the band, so now we  got a proper display of what an awesome band GRÀ really is! Although Heljarmaðr is keeping busy as the vocalist in DARK FUNERAL, these guys should really go for a proper tour. Soon! Book them!! Hangman´s nooses for everyone!!!;)) The crowd were also everything you could wish for, so it was really THE Grande Finale for this fantastic event. Thanks to all the bands, Adrian @ LS and the Myrkheimr´s!
Tried to collect the setlist on Spotify but didn´t find “Klagan och längtan”. So I smoothly replaced it with “Farväl”, my all time favourite;) Works for me. You find it somewhere below.
Members: Heljarmaðr – vocals and strings Dimman – drums Maugrim – strings Grim Vindkall – session bass M – session guitar
Lyrical themes: “The dark aspects of ancient Scandinavian spirituality”



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I love IXXI. They always had great performances when I´ve seen them live and this time was no exeption.


The frontman, Outlaw also runs Luciferian Society and was responsible for this fantastic evening with five so specific and different bands with their own kind of great qualities. Often that many bands are at least a couple too many, but not this time. It was interesting from beginning to the very end. Also the best metal DJ´s in town were there so it was perfect even in between the live performances. Good stuff only when they hit the decks! Hail Myrkheimr´s!!:)) One of the happy nights for sure!:))

IXXI Members: Outlaw (Vocals), Acerbus (Guitar), Titan (Guitar), Core (Bass), Thunder (Drums)




I thought they were great the first time I saw them at the small Uppsala festival a couple of years ago but now they were amazing!

Can´t wait to see them at Mörkaste Småland in September!! Also they co-operate with the great Nebiros (MALIGN, ex-OFERMOD), one of the greatest bm voices on this planet.





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SATURNIAN MIST has been around for about 10 years but this was the first time I saw them live (or heard their music). So another surprise band for this evening. Really good show by the Finnish guys! Overloads of energy:) Lots of drums!!
Members: fra. Zetekh (vox, perc), fra. Ptahaz (gtr), fra. Chaoswind (gtr), fra. Macabrum (bass), fra. Sota (perc), fra. Kult (perc), fra. Vile (drums)


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ixxiGreat band!! Fantastic live! Will definitely see them again somewhere.
Bio: “Since it`s inception in 2004 Blodhemn has been working tirelessly to further the sound of Black Metal, and after the EP «Brenn Alle Bruer” and debut album “Holmengraa”, both critically acclaimed, the Norwegian one-man band is now preparing to unleash their yet untitled sophomore effort on Indie Recordings”

Members: Invisus – All studioinstruments and Vocals Dan – Live drums Hauk – Live bass Ånneland – Live guitar


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19.30 Obscyria 20.10 Vornth 21.10 In Aeternum 22.10 Die Hard 23.30 Angrepp
DJ: Myrkheimrs

Galenskap ända till slutet: ANGREPP som andra födelsedagsband och sist ut denna kväll. Dom fullaste hade redan tagit ut sig själva men resten orkade fortfarande röja till slutet. Tempot hade inte dragits ner vid nått tillfälle utan blev ännu mera uppskruvat mot slutet. Och det var ändå fem band på denna kväll så heja alla galna metalheads. Vet inte riktigt hur sent det blev men kanske 1? halv 2? I vilket fall så var det svinkul att se ANGREPP igen!! Känns som tusen år sen sist. Och lika så hade dom ex-medlemmar och gästfolk på scenen bla från band som MARDUK, DARK FUNERAL, ONDSKAPT & IXXI. Helt galet kul:)) Min första ANGREPP spelning var på Tanto när de spelade sitt tredje ever gig. Många bra band såg jag för första gången på Tanto, så en tyst minut för stället kunde vara i sin ordning. Årligen. Kanonkväll med så många underbara som jag inte sett på länge och bra folk överlag som sig bör på spelningar som denna. Avslutningsvis blev det kebaben på Gullmars med fru DJ Myrkheimr och sen nattbussen. Tack alla inblandade!!!
Line up: Outlaw – Vocals Dawid Dahl – Guitar Karl Olsson – Guitar Titan – Bass Jakob Hallegren – Drums
»Mera ANGREPP på extremmetal.se


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