Finnish folklore- and nature-inspired melodic black metal.Founded in 2020.

Band: Petri Mäkipää – Drums Henri Villberg – Bass & Vocals Emmi Silvennoinen – Synths & Vocals Tuukka Ahonen – Guitars Kimmo Tukiainen – Guitars Tuomas Karhumäki – Vocals Kim Strömsholm – Vocals (hope i got it right?)

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IKU-TURSO Finnish/Dutch black metal paganism, darkness & death since 2017.


They released the “Ikuinen Steelfest MMXXII Rehearsal” on a limited edt cassette (50 copies,no digital release) 12th of May 1922. A Few copies were given to the audience after the gig and band copies sold at the festival exclusively (according to Discogs. Kinda odd. And cool:)

nd. (Englis

Iku-Turso is a mythological Finnish sea monster which appears in the Kalevala, the national epic of Karelia and Finlandh version here)
“We are the distant cold northwind that blows through a legacy of magical Nordic Black Metal – honest to our past, true to ourselves and in respect to the people contributing to the underground metal community.”
-Sovereign Korpituli 2020

Band: Sovereign – Lafawijn – Ruto – Anzillu – F.

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Really excited about this gig! As so many other bands at this festival, my first chance to see live. Gotta love Steelfest for all the opportunities and Werewolf & the band IRL were great!
Part of Sunday Bacchanal “Exclusive pre-listening sessions of new Satanic Warmaster album”  Sounded really good while sitting there with a plate with roasted pig and sahti:D  The 3 song CD single “Bafomet” is out already!
[Live clips by Gronn Onland & TopiKoo]

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Been 9 years since I saw the band at Party.San. Found out that Martin Impaler is no longer with them (live guitars for some years). He still runs the awesome Metal Magic in Denmark:)
Cool show!


“By now, DENIAL OF GOD should need little introduction. Since that fateful year of 1991, the brothers Azter and Ustumallagam have perfected an idiosyncratic style of black metal that’s positively drenched in the supernatural and remains firm in their conviction of more classicist-styled songwriting. In fact, “black metal” might even be a misnomer; rather, BLACK HORROR METAL would be more accurate.”

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SARGEIST Started as Shatraug’s solo project.

“Sargeist often seems like one of the realest black metal bands out there. The music sticks to a raw, oldschool and unadulterated take on the genre that deftly blends in big, lush and emotive riffs. Without too many bells and whistles, Sargeist is also one of the catchiest black metal bands out there”  — Wyatt Marshall/


[Live clip by Saatanan Aslakki & Gronn Onland]
SARGEIST interview @ Bardo Methodology

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“Beelzeebubth (solo/side project) will play an exclusive Mystifier – “Wicca & Göetia” setlist for Steelfest 2022″

* Armando Beelzeebubth – lead guitar * Adriano Kaverna – lead guitar * Leandro Kastiphas – vocals, bass guitar, keyboard * Pablo Aghori – drums and percussion
We are going to do, what we are supposed to do – Extreme Black Metal in the vein of our Old Brazilian Metal Roots, like Sarcófago, Sepultura, Vulcano and so on”
Mystifier instagram

[Live clip by Saatanan Aslakki]

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Black metal from Montréal/Quebec, Canada since 1999. One of the many bands at Steelfest I never had the chance to see live before! Very few, very shitty pictures.
[Live clip by Saatanan Aslakki]

“Initially, Akitsa was made up exclusively of OT and Néant, who came together because of their common taste for “pure” black metal . Éric Syre joined the group after the summer of 2008 , after a tour of Canada with the French Peste Noire and Sombres Forêts . The tour was called “Les treize nuits de la plague”” –
» Interview from 2018 with the founder and frontman O. T. by  Bardo Methodology

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Formed 1993 in Oakland, CA, United States. Tough luck with drummers:/ read all about it in the interview (link below) by Bardo Methodolgy. I know nothing about them and a bit hard to find stuff so I copy, paste & link as usual:D
“Since the band began in the early 1990s, Morbosidad has remained one of the most consistent bands in the Bestial Black/Death scene. As one of the very few bands that has maintained the extremity in their sound throughout the decades, Morbosidad has assumed a deservedly prominent status within the ranks of the underground. Led by vocalist Tomas Stench, whose depraved vision guides the band and whose distinctive vocal style is the signature of all Morbosidad releases, Morbosidad has evolved through the years without sacrificing their integrity”
[Live clip by Saatanan Aslakki]

Interview, short version online. Full version is in Bardo Methodology #5

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Black metal about satanism & war from Lahti, Finland. One man project founded in 2019. Just awesome!

“WARMOON LORD is the work of one man Vechi Vrajitor, or, more down to Earth, Juuso Peltola, also in Musta Risti, Old Sorcery and Megahammer. Given that the second album Battlefields is on Werewolf Records (run by Mr. Werwolf himself Lauri Penttila), one might surmise quality black metal will be in the offing”


[Live clips by Gronn Onland, Suvi K, Saatanan Aslakki]

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“Black Metal has lived, for most of its life, with the Dark and the Light; musicians have crafted master pieces that can easily be placed in both sides of the spectrum, and remember that Drak does not always mean Aggressive, nor does Light always mean Gentle and Kind. Cénotaphe are, once again, able to combine both sides of this special spectrum, and craft a remarkable piece of Black Metal.” “Monte Verità” 2020 album review

Definitely a band to look into a bit more!
[Live clips by Saatanan Aslakki, Anna Becker & Gronn Onland]

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