Valley of The Dead + Vicious Art + Facebreaker – Tanto 7/11 2008
This one I´ve been waiting for!!! And I really didn´t get disappointed…;)) I even got some of my best pics at Tanto in ages…With a little help from the flash, but still.
This one I´ve been waiting for!!! And I really didn´t get disappointed…;)) I even got some of my best pics at Tanto in ages…With a little help from the flash, but still.
The last band yesterday: M.A.N. from Gothenburg. The first time I saw Tony, the singer, was at the Dirty Black Summer festival (brilliantly organized by M.M.I.´s Mr. Bergman:) for a couple a years ago. Back then he fronted the legendary Transport League and I thought he was one of the most impressive stage personalities I was ever seen. About two years ago I saw M.A.N at Klubben and I thought he´d lost something on the way…
Still, yesterday was again something else. A real powerful performance and NICE lights:)) Most of it were on Tony and the guy to the left (remember now what I told you earlier;)) got hardly any lights on him at all. Thats too bad because he was quite cool with a couple of really awesome guitars. He got some cool red lights behind him, tho…
No pics what so ever on the drummer:(
Yesterday evening I went to Tanto to see M.M.I as a trio for a first time. I missed the premiere at Anchor gig but I heard that they were doing great. As they did yesterday…shame on you lazy asses who sat at home instead and watched the gig on the net;) I kinda miss a bit the complete insanity Bergman used to wind up himself to…now he got handle the guitar, so he can´t really flip out as he used to. Still, they are really cool even when slimmed down a bit.
I´ve heard some good stuff about Lingua for a long time, but this was the first time ever I saw them live…and OMG what a gig!!
They totally blew me away because I really didn´t know what to expect and they were really great!! Very dark and heavy and beautiful. I always like the drummers because they are the ones holding the shit together and this one (didn´t find his name…) really did a great work!! Still, drummers are the hardest ones to get any good pics of because they too often are in complete darkness…the same thing with the guy who happens to stand to the left on the stage at Tanto. The left corner ALWAYS lies in the dark!! Don´t stand there!!;) Keep to the middle and to the right!! So now you know…A bit easier to take pictures than on M.M.I. I think there were not so much more of the lights, but they were…different?? Well, you never really know at the clubs how the pics turn out anyway…;))
Now I´m in the Lingua fanclub!! (Or will be as soon as I find one;)
And as soon as possible I will check out their other project Come Sleep…
I´m taking a break from the promos and fixing up the rest of the livephotos from friday night at Tanto. Here´s the biggest deal of the evening: the re-united DESULTORY. I didn´t see the ending of the show, but there will hopefully soon be a new chance to see them in Stockholm! Have to wait for the official announcement first.
The reunion of one of the 90´s deathbands, DESULTORY! Also great performances of CALIBER 666 and GODPHOBIA. CALIBER 666 were hosting the whole thing, so I better start up with them…
The other pics will be up soon enough, but now I´m off to shoot a band;)
[Later edit: Live clips from a gig in Södertälje about a year later]
Yesterday at Tantogården… (Thanks Adrian for inviting me!;)
Vörgus I already knew, but the rest of the bands were new acquaintances. I think most of the pics are in the albums now…
»VALKYRJA / »VÖRGUS / »IMPIETY / »SPEARHEADFirst concert for me for a while, but now there will be quite a lot of them. I have to buy me that headlamp I planned…
The first time I saw – or heard – Gus of Sweden. They got their own very cool lightsystem.They sounded great too!! Absolutely one of my new favourites…
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