[originally posted @ Insta] A care package from my great friends @norwegianrat arrived!!


The new ALFAHANNE vinyl (the white one which is limited to 100 copies. Comes with a slipmat, patch & a sticker. My photo [(C) extreMMetal.se/Soile Siirtola] on the cover), a couple of new bags and a super comfy and stylish Skakke hoodie. Happy days!!❤️
#norwegianrat #rhinoratrecordings #alfahannelive #wwwextremmetalse


Get your copy of the vinyl before they go (only 500 all together): https://rhinorat.no
All the great stuff @ Norwegian Rat: https://norwegianrat.no/
ALFAHANNE: www.facebook.com/alfahanneofficial

526406_435122036564456_1905380888_nAfter more than a year late, I finally fix this. There are ofc reasons why it took so much time but nevermind, here it goes.

The HELL crew and the band worked really hard a couple of days to get everything ready for the Greatest Show On Earth. Such an awesome bunch of guys and girls:)) I tried to do my stuff without being too much in the way and ended up with loads of pictures. Had so much fun!

The galleries from the Derby show are different from my ordinary ones but didn´t really know how to put everything properly together. Anyways, here are the working day/pre-show pics:)




Photos in the bonus DVD booklet

For a long time ago me and the great Sinister artist Carlos (Aguilar) started talking about a photo shoot for BLACK SHADOWS TATTOOS, and finally we made it happen. After a long & nice day in Uppsala we ended up with shitloads of really cool portraits.  Also big thanks to Akilles  the DevilDog and the 2 Mauri´s for assistance and company:)


Carlos have tattooed many of the greatest bands in extreme metal (SLAYER, KREATOR, NILE, DISSECTION, DESTRUCTION, KRISIUN, DIMMU BORGIR, EXODUS, LOCK UP, VADER… and many more cool bands and musicians.) So of course I also have a tattoo made by him. Pic below. (I love it!!:) B/W,  freehand and done in less than 2 hrs.)



>>MORE (live clips etc)

Diverse livebilder från eventet…plåtade inte så mycket, men några blev det på varje band. Rökiga o fina;)) Nu har jag ju varit ganska så (extremt…) partisk (Seeeveeentribe!!!:)))), men faktum kvarstår att dom här fyra banden är dom som blev kvar efter nästan 300 band hade valsats igenom alla omröstningar. Så grattis allihopa!!


Salem var under belägring (nazimarschen…ALLT slutar funka i området redan tidigt på eftermiddagen) när jag skulle in till stan, så fick gå hur långt som helst för att komma åt en buss.

Men kom ju fram i sinom tid och hann med lite VIP mingel också. Var skithungrig när jag kom fram så gick väl onödigt många gånger förbi buffén;)) Det blev en riktigt kul kväll denna:) Inte minst pga att SEVENTRIBE kammade hem vinsten, utan i högsta allmänhet. En hel del roliga bekanta, skönast konferencier (tror han hette Max?) som även lirade i R´n´R Allstars, bra stämning och nägra gratis öl & Jägers. Gav bort Jägern till bättre behövande…tänkte att det kunde vara smart, för jag skulle faktiskt göra lite nytta också senare på natten och plåta vinnarna för SRM. Fruktansvärt mycket folk!!

Tog några snapshots när jag trängdes runt i lokalen. Kom på efteråt att jag missade att ta bilder på några som verkligen borde också ha varit med, men antar att dom är lika glada för det ;)) Träffade tomten också. Eller två. Fick julklapp! Livebilder på g…



Not much going on right now, so I can spend some time updating promoshoots & other stuff which I ever seem to find any time to fix with. The problem is that there´s always so many pics from the shoots so I got a hard time to pick the ones I like the most:) But I better to start somewhere and maybe fill it all up later…


We did the F.K.Û. shoot in an old foundry (hope that´s the word?) which still were used for business. Loved the place, but every bit of my gear (btw the first time ever I tried out my mobile studio. Worked fine!) was covered with this black dust and it took like two weeks to clean it all up:) I really like the pics, think they were quite good. The guys are really fun to work with, so guess that also helped a lot;)Erika did an amazing job with the “make-up”




