“Formed in 1991 in the south of France by Chris (guitar/vocal), the band, with different line-ups, played 2 gigs in 1992 with the Italians bands O.I.D. and SADIST and released its unique and classic studio 4 track demo tape CALL FROM UNKNOWN DEPTHS. The audience was baptised with blood during the first show”
Osmose Productions


Good gig! Old band but new for me…

The common festival problem with playing early outdoors: the sun! Not the best friend of BM bands, especially when there´s shitloads of the stuff right in your face:/ But if they can still deliver a convincing gig…well, all good then:))

[Live clip by Saatanan Aslakki]



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Blasphemy, Hate & Misanthropy since 2005. More sun than needed for this band but a great gig. Missed the first songs because of reasons so no shots from the pit. Just a few from the crowd.
“AEGRUS is a Finnish Black Metal band formed in 2005 at Kouvola, Finland by Darkseer Inculta and Lux Tenebris. It started as a vision about satanic devotion and mockery against christianity but during the years the vision has vastly grown to concern about members passionate interest towards death, darkness, Luciferian worldview and transcendental knowledge.”
Osmose Productions

[Live clips by Gronn Onland, Saatanan Aslakki & Anna Bekker]


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“When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
A chill rises from the soil
And contaminates the air
Suddenly life has new meaning”

-BURZUM – Dunkelheit –


They don´t probably have any web or Fb page. At least I didn´t find any. But they play some BURZUM tributes every now and then. So cool to hear the “hits” live. They could have played a bit longer, tho:)
The pics were really shitty so I added some fast grungy layer on some of them just to add some texture. I may do the same with many other bands
[Live from this years Turku Saatanalle by Metal Over The World filmed by Sergej Drobyshev]


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One of my all time top bands. Good to see some satanic speed metal again. Kick ass shit as always.
My pics, on the other hand, shit without the kick ass part:) Standard metal club gig light/smoke conditions (as with many other bands here and everywhere) but nothing to cry & complain about, just to go with whatever you´re given. The harsh reality of a metal photographer:)

[Live clips by Gronn Onland & CanKer]



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“I take pride in my accomplishments, as one should, but ultimately I am serving the calling within me, channelling and challenging the forces which keep me inspired. I have never aimed at bringing out originality in terms of musical innovation but rather at keeping it well enough personal, from the heart, to a unique vision.”Shatraug, interview 2020

[Live clips by skofdo & Gronn Onland]


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Cool to see GRAVELAND live! Great show! Kudos to Steelfest for booking.

Metal Arcives:“Graveland’s style has changed from raw black metal on the early albums to a more epic sound which is inspired by Hammerheart-era Bathory. Lyrically, on the early works Rob Darken was inspired by Celtic beliefs, now he’s Wotanism-orientated and calls his music “epic pagan metal””
[Liveclip by Necroclassical]



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“SARKRISTA was founded in early 2011 by Exesor, Farbauti and Revenant. The goal was to create a new German satanic alliance against all trends that flood the German scene. After some small rehearsals and writing the first songs Vidar joined on bass. The band’s name “Sarkrista” comes from the German word “Sakristan” and the Latin word “Sacrista” which both mean “church-servant” (or “verger”). The name was chosen because all band members thought this would be the best name to represent the blasphemous and satanic message behind Sarkrista.”  –  Immortal Frost Productions


One of the (many) bands at Steelfest I always wanted to see live. Great gig!

[Live clip by Gronn Onland]



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First day at the festival and I didn´t yet know how our host and festival general looked like. So when seeing COMMANDER AGARES on stage, I didn´t realize that the guy was right there. They just made a limited edition split with GRAVELAND to be released the day after the gig. Guess it was available in the merch. All Hail Jani Laine :)

» Shop

“Commander Agares is one man creation, featured by several Finnish fellow spirits who joined legions of descending twilight journey in to Crown’s Parklands during winter 2020-2021.
Diabolik, who’s lyrics breath on this album, continued the journey beyond stars during recordings of the album. Never witnessed the final form of Commander Agares.”


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Fairly new band (founded 2019). Nice detail: The vocalist had his microphone attached to a scythe:D
“Their musical work can be described as an Old School Black Metal from the 90’s (with that crude approach used by names as DARKTHRONE and MAYHEM) with Finnish Black Metal DNA.”metal-temple.com
[Interview wit P.J. by Rauta]


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